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Jordozombie - Counter-Strike: Source

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Jordo, I never really liked you as a player, or staff. No offence, you just seemed like a cocky kinda guy. You did this on purpose, knowing the consequences of your actions, and not even a day later, you post a ban protest even stating you don't think you should be unbanned. So, if you don't think you should, why should I think you deserve an unban?


-1. Wait a few months, see if anything changes.

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You did it on purpose, I just, I don't even. WHY did you do it if you knew that you would go straight to the forums to make a ban protest? Echo payed the price and is still paying it, and though certain people have seemingly only been demoted for mass smites/mass freekills I refuse to use that as some sort of excuse or reasoning. You went under the name lelelelelelel and then slayed @ all for a laugh. You knew perfectly well what was going to happen and did it anyways. Sorry Jordo, I honestly did think you were a cool guy but you did it on purpose. Ban protests are designed to allow people to dispute a potential wrongly made ban, not intentional abuses of power. You brought this upon yourself with the full knowledge of the following consequences. -1.


^ This.


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Jordo ily but really ¨insert quotation mark here¨ really¨insert quotation mark here¨

minus 1

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@@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo Alright it was an obvious abuse of power. And I'm fairly certain we don't unban for that this soon.


Please do what you do best and weigh in on this or close it. Don't think there is much more to be said here.

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HidingMaster and myself agree you're not getting unbanned yet. Make another ban protest. I'm gonna just go ahead and say you can either make a new ban protest in no less than 2 weeks, or complete one of the "Want to get unbanned?" challenges here: Want To Get Unbanned?


-Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

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