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Harsher Punishments For Intentional Malicious Freekills

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-1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair

There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it.

I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have.


I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills.

2 freekills = Day teamban

1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day.

For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety

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I have never seen it be a problem, if someone is going to freekill then they are going to freekill. There are many cases where it is done between member because its fun, and I dont want to hinder the ability to do it occasionally like that (dont take that in the wrong way, im not implying you can go freekill). The way it has always been handled seems to work fine in my opinion, if we start to add more rules and punishments (remember, adding something like this would be adding a rule that would be hard to determine if it was intentional or not, leading to more work needed to be done by admins). Unless you can get me a situation that occurs frequently enough to warrant the proposed change, I dont see the need to add this as it will just be adding another rule that really shouldnt need to be included. Keeping it simple helps to have a more relaxed and fun time on the server, and since its been fine I just cant justify the change.



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I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills.

2 freekills = Day teamban

1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day.

For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety


I've never really seen it become a huge problem, but this would be the best solution if we were to enact a punishment for it.


On another note, my date is friday. Ill be back after that.

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The most recent issue I have seen of this was mythic and onward... mythic intentionally killed onward (3?) times... 2 of which I saw... he would run up and kill him and then instantly slay himself.... onward would then complain to the admins yet none of them would do anything about it and would just say that onward is complaining too much and/or is annoying...


I ctbanned mythic for a day after witnessing the second intentional freekill after which he asked in admin chat "how long is my ban going to be" showing that he knew what he was doing was wrong yet didn't care since the punishment was so lax...

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