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xG|M Docterlat - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

Staff Name:

xG|M Docterlat

Staff's Steam ID:



Further Information:

I was playing on Pokémon trade as well as TeamSpeak with Docterlat and a few others. I was minding my own business and talking on TeamSpeak when Docterlat teleported me back to spawn (without my permission) when I was killing and having fun.

He requested I include the conversations we had over TeamSpeak, I don't remember the exact things we discussed, but I can summarize it.


When I confronted him as to why he teleported me he told me it was because of something I had said over TeamSpeak. If you have never played TF2 before you might have a difficult time understanding.


I was speaking with someone else on TeamSpeak about an engineer camp and he told me that there was a teleporter, I said I had seen no teleporter and this is when Docterlat chimed in. He said it was obviously sitting outside of spawn(or something along those lines) and I told him I hadn't seen one sense I had not respawned. Apparently me saying that gives him the liberty to teleport me back to spawn when I was on the opposite side of the map doing things.

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May I add his quote before i tped him "I haven't respawned yet" which to Africanishaniqua i asked myself said that sounds like he was dead and do to SM the command becomes invalid if he is dead it was more of a mis-communication than anything really me and Minty aren't persay the best "Communicators" with each other. If he would have said something like oh "I haven't respawned yet, i'm still killing people." then that is a perfect example of a good communication with me. I am more of a specific person with words as to an answer to me saying "Can I tp you to it?" and his reply did not say no but to many others sounded like he was dead waiting to respawn. Which in the sense gave me a right of choice to use a command in that time-frame that was invalid, if he was dead to my understanding this would be no such problem.

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Abuse is affecting gameplay if you were dead like it sounded to multiple people this would not be an issue, it would have resulted in a little chat message and that was it. It was my fault tping you but also a mis-communication Period. You could have just said no to assure nothing would happen at all ever in the time of this case.

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If I was dead? It doesn't matter what it sounded like, you lacked the observation skills to hold tab and see I was alive, no matter what It sounded like or not I was not dead. The abuse factor here is what you don't seem to be getting. No matter the reasoning, you shouldn't have been teleporting me. Whether I was dead or alive, you shouldn't have been teleporting me. Also I'm not quite sure how I made a confusing statement to you? All I said was that I hadn't respawned, you should have thought of what I meant by it before you decided to teleport me based on what you understood it as. And what do you mean by I could've said no? I shouldn't have to. I don't need to tell you whether you can abuse on me or not, the answer should be clear whether you should abuse or not. If you can't see that, you probably shouldn't be a moderator.

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If you want to stutter some more words you've already said go ahead. I'm done with this thread, I understand one thing more than get reassured a request, it is that don't ask minty questions, it just ends with a bad answer and another problem.

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Sorry that I couldn't understand your piss-poor spelling and punctuation. I would like to hear some opinions from others.

@@MuffinMonster @@Canadia

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Even though you told me about this in Steam Chat, all these post made my brain just stop. I'm confused, but what my dumb mind came up with was, Docterlat TP you when you didn't want him to. I think it should just go off as a warning, nothin that big like epix said. Don't be teleporting people when they don't want to be

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So are we done here? @@Minty Don't be so quick to assume a mis-communication just give me 5 min to ask muffin or canadia and we will have it solved in minutes. Not this whole "he said this and then he did this" type shit

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