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CT/Guard allowingnessnesslessness?

CT Req  

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  1. 1. CT Req

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Every time I go onto JB, I see a retard CT Breaking the ALLLLLL the possible rules, is it possible to make anyone who wants to join ct be online for at least 1-2 hours and take a short quiz on the rules?

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There is probably a way to have this done, but I doubt it would happen. If CTs are breaking rules, notify a Staff Member and they'll most likely be dealt with. Implementing this sort of function may stifle the amount of new players we get doe, just sayin'.

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I like the idea and whatnot. I'm just saying /most/ people won't join the server and want to join CT- just to do a test. Maybe the time requirement would be nice, but I'm indifferent on the test.

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While the test sounds like a decent idea it would stop new players from playing and cause trouble.

All you need to do is steam message your friendly neighborhood mod and said nubby CT will be dealt with.

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This is the 20th(if not more) time someone has made a thread on this.

Its a good idea, but we have admins and mods for a reason

Happy Birthdayness

but I usually play more at LNJB when people aren't on

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