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Salmon - Nuclear Dawn

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Nuclear Dawn

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Banned by SMAC for auto-fire trigger detection, wasn't cheating just using the following script:


>// AutoPistol
// ==========
alias +apistol "alias repeat_function +repeat; +repeat"  // While held down, starts the repeater function and sets it to repeat.
alias -apistol "alias repeat_function stoprepeating"  // When released, repeat_function is disabled through the stoprepeating alias.
alias repeat_function "+repeat"  // So long as this alias holds, +attacks and waits will continue to fire.
alias +repeat "+attack; wait 2; -repeat"  // Repeater function attacks, waits, goes to -repeat.
alias -repeat "-attack; wait 2; repeat_function"  // Stops attack, waits, fires another repeat_function.
alias stoprepeating ""
bind mouse1 +apistol


Never had a problem with using it before, so I'm guessing you added the trigger detection module after i stopped playing a while back.

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isn't using scripts cheating? lul @@Rhododendron tagging silence cause i have no idea whats up with the Nuclear dawn division? do they even have a DL?

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I'd been using this ever since the game came out and never had a problem on any servers, why would it be considered cheating? The recoil pattern in this game is pretty unpredictable when firing pistols so rapidly, sometimes it's hardly noticeable, and other times you cant hit someone 10 feet away. Ever since I got kicked for it I've had it disabled and found it's usually better to just be accurate anyway. Ignorance isn't really a good excuse and so I don't expect the ban to be reverted, this game is pretty much dead at this point anyway. The only reason I decided to try to get it removed was to keep my sourceban history clean.


If using scripts is considered 'cheating' on this server then why not have the wait command disabled? I made medic scripts a while back for a couple other simple things too:

switch to medpack, deploy medpack, switch to primary

switch to hypostim, use stim on self, switch to primary


I know it can be disabled because there were some servers that broke these. I'm not trying to tell you how to run your servers, just mentioning it in case you didn't know and wanted to prevent people from using scripts like these in the engine.

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Sorry for my late response.

Using a script to automatically fire your weapon is considered cheating. you will need to remove that script if you wish to play on redstone or any other xG servers. i've removed your ban. HOWEVER, if you are caught using autotrigger again, your ban WILL NOT be removed a second time.


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