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H0ney_badger345 - Counter-strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

Mass Freekilled


There were a bunch of horrible cts here but h0ney was the worst. (again sorry i dont know how to make demos into videos.)


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There's no conclusive evidence of anything really being done wrong, except for 1 freekill, by honeybadger. I have no idea that the first kill is a freekill as you can't see if the guy turned away from cells or not. The freeday situation is the wardens fault, which led to the deaths of the T's. I can understand one of the being freekills, but really he was following wardens orders for the most part. He's only connected once, so theres no history against him either. I believe that he was freekilling way more than what the demo shows, but we can't do much about it. As far as I can tell it only deserved a slay, not a ban. If I am wrong, feel free to point it out @@MegaRobin , but i'll be closing this thread in a few hours if nothing comes out of it.

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As far as the demo shows, if it really was an invalid freeday (Judging by how everyone is spamming "INVALID!! NOT LONG ENOUGH!!! STOP FREEKILLING!!!") then i can almost say he did mass.

I saw a few kills, that looked like the T did absolutely nothing, and was killed for "attacking" him. Mainly they were just crouching or jumping towards him.

Tried to talk about it with hiding in steam, but he's afk i guess.

So my final answer is he does deserve a ban. Just don't know how long, judging by all that happened, can't confirm it was a complete mass.

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After talking it through with @Hidingmaster, a few things were decided:

-It was most likely the warden's fault for constantly saying "It's a panda freeday, guys" (@H.M.)

-Neither the warden, nor the killer had any idea what was really going on, plus they are newbies so a very small amount of leniency will probably be given. (B)

-Can't tell for sure if it was an invalid freeday, or a panda freeday. But even in both ways, there was one or two freekills. (B)

-He was already banned by @Dr.Lee for a day (Thanks mate, you saved us a lot of time), so we will just leave that as his punishment. (B)

-I get to close this thread. (HELL YEAH!)

Any further bans, and we'll probably have to ask Silence to do it, because SB is broken.


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