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Woah Woah Woah

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when did we start closing threads before i could post in them. that was a great ban protest and should be taken into full consideration. i dont need some noobs running around and closing threads because their mom forgot to buy some ho-ho's at the market today. get your shit together furfags

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when did we start closing threads

When they [threads] became intentional flamewars to purposely start a fight for no good reason at all. If the guy mass freekilled intentionally, and then proceeded to give an atrocious attitude regarding it on a Ban Protest, he has a lot of nerve to expect to be unbanned, let alone expect the thread not to be closed. It also doesn't help when it's condoned by a group of people either; whether or not they are ex-members/members. The best course of action was to close it before it got any worse, and I would have done the same.


If this is regarding something other than the Ban Protest with paulie, disregard all of above.

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There was more than enough reason to close and delete the numerous threads. I was more than respectful in my first post, it was a simple opinion but was bringing in others to discuss what happened. Disrespecting me after that caused everything else.

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