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Speedoffreedom Demoted ?

Demote SpeedofFreedom from Moderator to Member  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Demote SpeedofFreedom from Moderator to Member

    • Yes, demote him
    • No, keep him

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I also cannot recall a time when someone "accidentally freeshoots" and I gave him a CT ban. Freeshoots? Kbras told me this: a slap and a warning. You think I can put "freeshoot" as a valid reason on a ban? You still have provided no proof as to how I am going too far on the bans.

read what i put on the bottom of the post its coming

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I have been told my other mdos and higher that slapping is not abuse unless we use it to our advantage. And if I had blinded the red team, the value was most likely 0, as to unblind any players after we had played a blind game, such a blind fall game. I don't see how a few slaps in good fun is abuse, but to each his own. I can't remember the last time I used slap for no reason, and I have actually restricted myself to only using powers outside of kick/slay/ban/teamban, because I did admittedly go a bit crazy with power when I first got mod. Have you checked the CT ban list recently? It seems like I am the only one that ever pays attention to JB 2. It seems pretty apparent that players do not want to remember what good the staff do for them, and only want to remember the few times they jokingly abused.

did i ever mention that u slap people for abuse? no i did not. and you havent restricted yourself to kicl/ban/slay/teamban you use them.


What im saying is that you are way to strict when your the only mod on the server

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The moment you see another player saying STOP is when you stop. i'm all for having fun and these powers give us some unique taste with it, but i see no reason to blind the red team. Also, sometimes the mod/admin has to be strict because then people will just complain we aren't doing our jobs. there is no middle ground for this sadly and there is nothing more i can say on that subject.

Following his own rules?

no proof there

not liking him =/= bad mod

the jailbreak server has been full.....

also if those are quotes from xG member, get screen shots of the chat and just white out the names. it's not hard.

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Well, this thread evolved into a shitfest of pointless back and forth...

@Insane, get some proof. Proof that can actually be reason for a demotion, not a staff member having some fun and using slap. Being strict isn't being abusive, on a server like jb where there are many rule breakers, strict simply means that he is doing his job. Until you have proof this thread means nothing, so stop replying to posts and start gathering proof.


@SpeedOfFreedom You are still fairly new to being a mod, so maybe this thread could give some pointers. If the points in the thread are true, though there is no proof so we don't know if they are, then there are a few things you could do to become a better mod. Yes,being strict strict is good for a mod, but try not to take being strict over the line and become an unlikable prick. If the part about not following your own rules is actually true, then I don't think that I have to say it but you should always punish people equally, even yourself and close friends.

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speedoffreedom is actually one of the mods who know the rules well, he does his jobs correctly giving reasons after each slay, kick, ban etc. if anything, he does his job better than most mods - i haven't yet seen him 'abusing' his powers.



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The camping? I was in a cell with 2 other reds. Camping is defined by staying in one area with the intent of hiding from the opposing team. How was I hiding if there were reds in there with me? Also, when I was a member, the admins and mods all spawned bosses on freedays and if it was the LR. If we questioned them, we got the response, "It is allowed on freedays and for LR." If I was stuck in the map, I slayed myself. How is it proof of camping if it is a screenshot? Where is your evidence that I was there for 15 seconds? And I don't remember spawning a line of bosses like that. To add onto that, you show no proof that it was actually me spawning the bosses. Like I have said multiple times, I have vowed to not use any commands outside of kick/slay/ban/teamban for the time being, because of how I used powers when I first obtained them. And Bell. None of those bans were pointless. They all had a reason behind them.

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Why is this thread still open? @MuffinMonster please close, proof worthy of demotion has not been given.


As @serbiansnaga himself once said on my one admin abuse thread, "New mods are expected to mess up with their commands, meaning that they are allowed to make some mistakes when it comes to the powers cause not everyone would know the commands off the bat and this gives them a window of opportunity where they can make mistakes and not have to worry about losing their mod powers, its about figuring out the commands, implementing them and keeping the server under control, think of the first week or two of the person getting mod as training and for practice," Now this was because I accidentally teamswitched people through !admin and it screwed up a game but it fits. If I read this thread right, @SpeedOfFreedom has not been mod long. It takes a while to get used the commands and, not only that, get used to giving appropriate time lengths. Give him time.


For another, it's good to be strict. I'm one of the stricter mods on CSS and I get a lot of shit for it on server but if I didn't there would still be complaints. There is no winning.


TL;DR Fuck ups are expected. Strict mods can be good or all hell would break loose.

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