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The "Official" Co-Leader of xG App

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As some of you guys might have read, Silence is tired of all the crazyness in our clan as it is indeed getting way out of hand. Ducki, Ero, Silence and I are looking for more co-leaders to keep problems at an all time low, and to better increase the enjoyment for people in our servers.


So, before you apply, please take a couple things into consideration. For starters, if you are brand new to the clan, please do not apply to be a co-leader lol. If you have a bad history in our clan (for example admin disrespect, abuse, trolling, threatening etc) do not apply unless you truly think you have a chance.


SO this is the format if you wish to apply:



Steam ID:



How long you have been in xG:

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :

Why do you want to be a co-leader:

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:

Anything else you want to add:




Alright guys good luck (:

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Name:[xG:M] Snoopy [sPD] Better know as Snoopy

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:22413023

Age: 16

Gender: Men, not boy, not male

How long you have been in xG: Since April

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :I am currently a mod which I hope and think no one has ever hated me.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I am fair. I don't act until I hear both sides of the story to keep a fair playing field, I eneded with a A+ and 5 on the AP Government Exam so i try to use actual fairness and concepts in my day to day life. I came from a country of disrespect, dishonor, and carelessness, (Burma) which is not my ways. I do not do anything wrong out of my personal moral character. My ideas are crazy and wild, but gives ideas others can bounce off of and create even better ideas. My #1 rule is that there is not such rule set in stone, any rule/law can be better improved. I am also very professional with piecing puzzles which clues that I have trying to redraw the problem and trying to find a better solution.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: Well under direct ordered from Silence if possible I want to start and head the Division of Members, scrutinizing every member, admin, mod, and leader, checking across the Steam Community, and various clans to see if any players have made an offence in their servers. I like to stop the threat before it happens. I don't want someone who already got banned in another clan to join this clan and continue their foolish habbits because when they run into me, its game over! I also want people to have more options open to them, for help and other issues they may have or arise in the servers. Its about the people, and the image that they put on the server, which everyone that is a member should value to the highest degree.

Anything else you want to add: Fair, Justice, and Honor the three things that are my core values. I will do everything in my power to reshape this clan and repaint its surface and make it a better clan.

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Name: Honey Badger

Steam ID STEAM_0:1:27401973 12:42 87 0

Age: 17

Gender: i think its male

How long you have been in xG:4 months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Yes, I was a GM on a private server of World of Warcraft( The owner sucked at making it so it died), I was also a Admin on a game called "Graalonline.com" I later got banned because i lost my email password so i couldn't prove that it was my account. In a dream one time i dreamed i was a admin...

Why do you want to be a co-leader: Kinda

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I would do Co-clan leader stuff

Anything else you want to add: Bananas.


Version 2~


Name: The Honey Badger

Steam ID: Its in version 1

Age: 17

Gender: I now know that I am male

How long you have been in xG: I have no idea...

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I was a bully in elementary school so everyone looked at me as the leader.. i think.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: To help my clan members understand that I am cool

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: Tell me what to do and hopefully i will know how to do it.

Anything else you want to add: Oarnge


Verizon #3


Name: The Honey Badger..

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27401973

Age: 17.2

Gender: Gentlemen

How long you have been in xG: I am now sure I was a Founder.

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : No comment

Why do you want to be a co-leader: In Version 1

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: What Excision said.

Anything else you want to add: Auto-Saved~


i would not watch that video... i dont know how to remove...

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:25173882



How long you have been in xG:3-4+months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :admin on xg , dcu , and a clan called afy

Why do you want to be a co-leader:cause every1 loves me and i can help with the clan again

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:help the stupid mods do there job so they dont bug silence

Anything else you want to add:i was kicked out for trolling, thats in the past but i believe i should get another chance. Since i have been kicked out in my opinion i have reduced trolling to a minimum. i made a 49/50 on my history end of course test :o

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Name: Excision

Steam ID: you already have it ;)

Age: 18

Gender: MAN

How long you have been in xG: since march

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : i had moderator on all xG servers, i wasnt a bad mod, i knew how to do my job, i know how to handle a situation. and know how to be fair to both people in a conflict.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: because i want to make xG a better clan, i want to see it go far.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: the recently added tf2 server has been populated a LOT in the last few days, thanks to me and a few others, if i were co leader i could completely take over this myself, while still helping new members and long time xG members.

Anything else you want to add: i love you.. !?!

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Name:chuck norris

Steam ID:i left it in my wallet

Age:ive always existed


How long you have been in xG:lol whats xG? some lame clan that plays css or something? lol, thats ***

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : ive eliminated entire galaxies and civilizations cause they refused me access to their women, ive also dropped my dumbells when i was weightlifting some 13 billion yrs ago, srry if i startled anyone

Why do you want to be a co-leader: so i can permaslay everyone whos less than co leader

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: i wouldnt, that is all


for teh lulz, with permission from aegean :)

Anything else you want to add: fluent in 30 languages, including stupid, klingon, and morgan freeman.

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Name: Otherworldly/ RL Name: Sean X. Dundon


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16904283


Age: 13, very close to 14


Gender: Male


How long you have been in xG: Since Feburary 17th, 2011. That is at least 4 months time.


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I have had moderator experience as an xG member, and I know my way around Source enough to know what I might be doing, with the exception of coding. I run servers from time to time on a listen server, and I can maintain order well enough, even with low traffic. I have moderated DarkRP servers, about 2, and one Sandbox server on Garry's Mod.


Why do you want to be a co-leader: To be honest, I really think that I can cause some change in this clan for the better good, but only at the consent of the community, not as a behalf of myself and my opinions only. I want to help this clan, and this is my shot. I know I may be younger, and I may not be as educated as well as others, and I may not have gotten above admin, but I have a chance to sign up and I want to go into the stressful job this consists of.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I have lots more time then other people, maybe not when I enter high school, but I usually can find time to help this community. I will do my best to preserve the sanity, the security, and the reputation this clan needs and will have if it doesn't already. I will make sure I will be hesitant in making decisions as a co-leader, even to somewhere as a slay, I will look over the rules and only do it at the correct times with enough proof. I will ensure our clan keeps up with what we have going on. I also have some ideas I would put out the clan as needed.


Anything else you want to add: To be honest, I may end up being very hesitant and ask Silence about something, but I will try my hardest not to. I believe that I can alone act on what is RIGHT, what is SANE, and what will preserve the fun and security of our CLAN.

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Name: Ninjew


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6048507


Age: 16


Gender: Male


How long you have been in xG: February 2011


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Ex-Admin of WDF (When Darkness Falls) ZM server 2008-2009; got admin taken away because I yelled at a rich kid who threatened to not donate anymore if I was going to continue to be an admin... Ex-Admin of AoA (Army of Assassins) for their pub, zm, and ze servers; AoA died long ago, lost admin when died. Ex-owner of a small bunnyhop clan that I don't even remember the name of, I owned the server. Ex-co-owner of Darkness Before Dawn and Steam Force Gamers; Same clan, but name changed. Servers included pub, zm, ze, and zriot. I worked on the servers and helped populate the servers and the community. They died shortly after I left.


There's a lot more, but that's all I want to bother to add in. Basically, I have experience being an owner, co-owner, and admin. I know most of sourcemod admin commands (based off of memory). I also tend to take care of people and their ... issues? I supposed I'd call it whether I'm involved or not. Usually ends well. (Not giving names. Anyone who I've helped out MAY mention it to Aegean. if they so wish though.)


Why do you want to be a co-leader: Seems like xG needs some help right now, and I'm always willing to lend a hand. I'd probably be a good change for the clan also. (For other reasons typed in other sections of this post also)


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I have a lot of time on me so I'll always be there for people to message and ask help for, complain to, etc. I'm not the type to get pissed off, so I'd be able to handle the situations calmly.


Anything else you want to add: I have two years of training in business at COIC (Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council). I know how to handle situations accordingly. I won't look down on anyone in any situation, and I won't look up on them either. The way I handle things is as if they're on equal grounds; I like to give people a chance.


If there are any questions just ask. That's all I can come up with on the spot.

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Just a quick post here.. I am NOT looking for a JUDGE, I don't want you to take allot of crying and complaining and decide fairly... that is impossible. Most the people that complain do it without a legitimate reason. What I am looking for is people MODS/ADMINS alike to follow these to the LETTER! http://xenogamers.co/showthread.php?t=8--- Xeno Gamers and most importantly Admin Handbook . ANYONE not adhering to these simple rules will be promptly demoted. I don't want anyone asking anymore if its ok to ban or for how long. I need people to help keep these simple rules..and other server motd rules in CHECK. PERIOD

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Name: [xG] xxLiil CraZyxx


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37567637


Age: 13, 14 on july 14


Gender: Male


How long you have been in xG: About 1-2 weeks, + 1-2 months before i left.


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :

My Admin experiences are very Well. Ive been a Head admin on a ScoutKnives server for 5 months.

I Also had my own servers, they got populated for a bit, and i was a leader of a clan onces. I also was a Admin on a Clan

Called |NStyleZ| for 2 months. Never Abused any powers.


Why do you want to be a co-leader:

I Dont really HAve a Reason for co-leader but for mod yes. :P


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:

I would try to help out with the Promotions, the demotions, and the ban's. I would also have alot of time to do anything.


Anything else you want to add:

I would like to add that, I know that i wont get Co-Leader but I would try to earn my way to Moderator.

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Name: Sprinkles / Vero


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37541552


Age: sixteen


Gender: male


How long you have been in xG: 01-18-2011 (Five months and eleven days)


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I've had the privilege of being a Moderator and an Administrator twice for [xG], and was a former Administrator for Digitalpaint.org (a quake2 engine paintball based game) which has over 9,000 registered members (not a meme joke) So I believe I can safely say, I know what I'm doing, what should be expected, and what needs to be accomplished in order for things to run smoothly with little to no problems involved.


Why do you want to be a co-leader: I want to be able to take this position because I believe I'm prepared for it and I want to help better the community with change that will satisfy everyone to the fullest, while at the same time decreasing as many problems as possible to avoid conflict and disputes in the clan. I also want to be able to show that I'm not only capable of being able to handle the position, but I can also help with much more then the "small stuff". I try and be as fair as possible, observing whats going on, seeing both sides of each story and taking action appropriately and avoid assuming or jumping to conclusions that leads to unfair decisions.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I'm always here to help when ever it's needed or necessary, I go to school and work at home, so I'm basically free to help a large majority of the time, and it never bothers me when someone needs help, or they need something to be done or answered. I like being useful so I actually enjoy being able to help someone to the best of my abilities. From my understanding, xG needs some help - and I would love to help take some slack off everyone's shoulders. I also want to get the community more involved, with more then just idea's and suggestions.


Anything else you want to add: not that I can think of, but if you have any questions - don't hesitate to ask.




I wish the best of luck to everyone who applied.

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Name: Bubbles


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11471533


Age:21 ( 22 on July 7th)




How long you have been in xG: About 2 months


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I have never been promoted.


Why do you want to be a co-leader:

I understand the situation and as well witness things growing out of control as the clan gets bigger. I have been in moderator/Administrative roles before on other servers. ( Mostly surf and zombie mod servers). I know the rules fully and I always follow them. I hardly ever whine about anything, and I have only ever been slayed one time over a misunderstanding. I have the leadership and maturity to help keep things running smoothly.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:

As previously stated, I will help keep things under control. I am on the game quite frequently and witness many rule violations. I also as well don't have a problem getting on at anytime as long as I am on the computer and steam is up ( which it always is). Most of the guys here know and trust me.


Anything else you want to add: I think I've covered the most important things.

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Name: Paul

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22313167



How long you have been in xG: 3 Months


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :


Although I have never been promoted in xG, I have been a leader and enforcer for the rules during the times I play (very late/early morning). I have been working very hard to qualify for a mod.


Why do you want to be a co-leader:


I would love to be an enforcer of the motd and help people out with questions when playing any of the servers.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:


I usually play at times when other mods/admins are afk or in other servers. Leaders are also not in sight during the times I play (3-9am). It would be nice to have a coleader at those hours as a higher power for mods/admins to go to.


Anything else you want to add:

I have played xG for a while and believe I have the qualities to be a cl here. I no all the rules on all of our servers, and I can bring my opinions on what could be changed or added in order to make xG servers the best servers to play in.

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Name: Peechis

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32650176

Age: 19

Gender: M

How long you have been in xG: Almost 2 weeks

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I was admin and co-leader of S'n'S with DJChosenWon. When a Steam update took down our server (it was not repairable for some reason) I starting playing on THO servers. I joined at a terrible time, as the clan was falling apart because the owner was horrible to work with. I had admin there for a few days before the server was shut down, and the clan disbanded.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I myself am tired of all the unnecessary crazyness in the server. I try to help the admins and mods along with questions that are tossed out in chat. I want to see this clan do really well, and be known for having the best of every type of server that the clan ever chooses to run.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I have a lot of time to work on things for the clan, and I play pretty much all day. I would help with whatever project needed to be worked on, be it helping with the MOTD, forums, or server work. When I set my mind to it I can crank out high quality work, and for xG I wouldn't settle for anything less.

Anything else you want to add: I have only been in the clan for a short while, but I've been playing here much longer than that, probably closer to 4 or 5 months now. I really like the servers and the community, and I hate to see either one of them suffer.

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Name: Herpes Derpes

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22002602

Age: 16

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: I've been with xG for about 3-4 months.

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I've been a mod for about 2-3 weeks, and I always get on when someone asks me to watch someone and I always try to make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone. :D

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I want to be co leader so I can have a better chance at making the game funner for everyone.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I would help by making big decisions, and presenting good ideas.

Anything else you want to add:

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