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The "Official" Co-Leader of xG App

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Name: Jay Breezy

Steam ID: You Have It

Age: 19

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: Since March 2011

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I am currently a Mod in xG.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I feel like I can help disperse the burden of being a co-leader because I am active on CSS, forums, minecraft and TF2. Im very good at dealing with people and for the most part i know what im doing.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I would make things run smoother and hopefully make the clan enjoyable for old members, while recruiting new members.

Anything else you want to add: Nope, hit me up on Steam chat or here though if you want

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Name: Henry


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:22379537


Age: 14


Gender: Male


How long you have been in xG: A couple months.


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Super-admin on a jail once.


Why do you want to be a co-leader: Cause i'd like to be a leader, but not really.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I'd teach people.


Anything else you want to add: Nipples.

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Steam ID:already have it.



How long you have been in xG:about 9months


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Mod-was a mod in the xG server for quiet some time before being kicked out, was a admin in xG for quiet some time aswell before i left the clan (and shortley came back) i have good experience as being a mod or admin, (if i was selected for this position probably wont be though, I will clean my self up, as in not trolling any more, get back in xG, start doing more and more for the clan, being more active then what i am (pretty damn active) xD


Why do you want to be a co-leader:Because i have been with xG for what seems like a year, i have grown to love these servers, and love about every member we have, being in xG was a fantastic time for me until i was kicked out, i would love to rejoin it as this position.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:Well this is kind of a hard question. First off i would help the servers more by trying to donate some money to keep them running, i would give more suggestions over and over, till are servers are at there peak, i would help people every time they call, i would just do my best to keep this position and more.


Anything else you want to add:There is not much more to say. so i will just end it with this, if i am not accepted for this position, i would love to just get back in the clan. i am active enough and i would love to just wear that shinny tag again, [xG] <3, also Can my other forum account be unbanned "Rabid"

Thank you. :3

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Name: Kenny


In-game name: [xG] kennY [GS]


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14098609


Age: 16


Gender: M


How long you have been in xG: 2 Weeks


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : I used to be a co-leader on a past jailbreak server for Money over *****es community. I was also Money over *****es commander on All Points Bulletin. I was a moderator on a Habbo hotel retro. I know how to handle situations.


Why do you want to be a co-leader: I would like to be co-leader beacuse with my diligent ethics and time that I am on this community could benefit from me. I can help bring about new ideas to the drawing boards when we have weekly meetings. I can keep all the members in check.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: If I were a co-leader I would firstly start by thanking all who have helped me acquire this position. After a thank you article on the forums I would get right down to business with re-writing the MOTD for the jail break server to fix the loop-holed rules with a couple of smart moderators and admins.


Anything else you want to add: xG should switch to Ventrilo or Mumble :). I am a lifeguard. And I thank you in advance for taking my application into consideration.

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Name: Michael.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37652204

Age: 14

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: Since 05-08-2011


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :

Well, I have been admin on 4 minecraft servers, and 2 CSS servers, 1 of the minecraft servers shut down, I was the highest ranked admin beside the owner. The other 3 I quit because of the other admins being corrupt, and the rules being corrupt. The CSS servers eventually shut down after the other admins and I left because of the owner being very immature. I was the highest ranked admin, or second highest ranked admin on all the servers.


Why do you want to be a co-leader: Because I love this community, I know the rules very well, I'm good friends with almost every member, I know what to do in-case someone breaks the rules enough for a ban, And I always seem to see people breaking the rules specially when an admin/mod/co-owner/Div-leader isn't looking.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:

I have a lot of events and user friendly idea for the community and as a member I cannot create events that are actually known to the community due to people not checking the lower ranked peoples' posts, as a higher rank, people seem to read posts more. I see people mod-admin+ get a lot more attention then normal members.


Anything else you want to add: Nope.

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Name: [xG] Charlie Sheen [Na:A] [T]


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34560453


Age: 16


Gender: Male


How long you have been in xG: 2 1/2 Months


Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Not sure if it counts, but Math Club 2nd Grade to 10th, (Still Current Leader of 10th grade). Treasurer of the Student Government, Moderator on a trading server for TF2 (2 months.)


Why do you want to be a co-leader: I have video proof, I can understand the rules, instead of just reading them. I am tired of all the free-killing that has been occurring the past few weeks.


How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I am usually on almost 3-5 hours a day, and I am always available. Not afraid of being assertive when needed.


Anything else you want to add: N/A

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Name: Sam Routt (actual) ben rapelisberger (game)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33490964

Age: 15

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: since fabruary so 4-5 months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : used to be a mod in xg but was unfortuantely demoted due to poor choices.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: i would like to help with making the clan a better place, and if i get this i can really make a difference

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: i could help detect the trollers and i would be tough on rule breakers. xg is trying to turn itself around and i would be hard on rulebreakers. some people are far to lenient with what they do. this does not mean i will be a raging tyrant nazi :)

Anything else you want to add: being demoted really helped me mature. i made some bad decisions, but i promise you that will change. please consider me for co-leader, and thank you for reading this.

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Name: Callim105

Steam ID STEAM_0:1:33131940


Gender: Male

How long have you been in xG: 5 months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Mod in Jailbreak, Division Leader of Minecraft, Used to run my own MC server, so I'm good at dealing with problems, Used to be admin on several other MC servers.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I am very level headed, and never get emotional or angry. I am very active on both CSS and the Minecraft divisions, and have also been active on our TF2 servers, so I am familiar with everything and anything new that happens in the clan. I am also an easy to get along with and like-able person, and if anyone has an issue, I will deal with it in a attentive and calm manner, and am always willing to listen to both sides of a story before making any action.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I can advertise the server, like I am already doing for the Minecraft Division, I will oversee all CSS servers and attend to any servers that seem to be having problems, as I have been as Mod. I can also oversee all new applications into xG and see to anything that needs to be done in xG.

Anything else you want to add: I'm Asian so I read the rules like a math book, and if I'm chosen I promise to ensure the safety(from me) of all dogs and cats around.

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Name: Selby9409

Steam ID: idk its 12345 i think.



How long you have been in xG:6-9er months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :I was an admin on callims server does that count? Oh and I had a dream that I would be co-leader in xG, and I was like wtf is that but then i found this clan, signed up 4 months ago, still dont have moderator, so then i knew it was false.

Why do you want to be a co-leader: so I can abuse

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I could offer advice on how to make sandwichs(since im the best at it) I can also freeslay all, screw around with settings i dont know how to use and experiment with my new powers on unwilling participants.

Anything else you want to add: yes

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Name: Health100

Steam ID: IDK

Age: 17

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: 6 Months

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : 4 months as CS:S mod/Admin and MC Div Leader

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I'm tired have having no control on the direction this clan takes.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I can fix small problems in MC plugins, also like to think i can diffuse small volatile situations between players

Anything else you want to add: I can has cheeseburger??? :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Name: Michael Thompson (IRL); High Plains Drifter (In-game)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24841526

Age: 17

Gender: Male

How long have you been in xG: 3ish months

Past experiences: I was admin of a small TF2 clan called Vivid Fighters a few years ago. I lost interest in the game due to all the balance breaking updates so I gave up my admin. Not sure what's happened with the clan since; probably dead. I used to be mod on a Garry's Mod server. Been so long I can't remember the name :P

Why do you want to be Co-Leader: Because I want to help build xG to its full potential. So much could be done with the clan, and I feel I could help to do it. Plus, we need more compitent mods/admins. Maybe not admins. I dunno, I think I could help buildup our mod staff to be the best they can be.

How could you help xG: Well, I feel I'm relatively good at solving disputes, so I could certainly help with conflicts amongst players. I know all of the rules very well, so I could easily enforce them. Etcetera.

Anything else: I'm an award-winning screenwriter. I'm a genius (IQ is 154, according to MENSA's test). I'm clinically depressed and incredibly cynical. I'm a self-loathing narcissist. I think I'm a pretty cool guy, eh is rank 23 on JB and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Name: g00n squad

Steam ID: "[xG:A] g00n squad (tri-winning)" STEAM_0:1:35134591 52:33 80 0

Age: 18

Gender: Male

How long you have been in xG: Since February

Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : The only experience I have had as a mod/admin/leader is in xG. I have been a mod, and I am currently an admin. In the real world, however, I have help various leadership positions (student council, captains, assistant coach, etc.)

Why do you want to be a co-leader: I feel like I have already made a positive impact to xG and truly feel that I can extend an even more positive contribution to xG as a co-leader. I understand and can sympathize with Silence as regards to all the stress he has gained from running this clan. Alleviating the burden is a great idea to fix this. Choosing the right people is even more important. I feel that I will not only be a reliable choice, but the right one as well.

How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I feel I bring a lot to the table; I am calm and level headed problem solver. You are looking to appoint someone that will help with some of the hardships that xG experiences and I feel that I can do that.

Anything else you want to add: The xG community knows me. I haven't had an agenda this entire time. You know you won't get any surprises because I feel like you'll get an idea of what you can get from me. In a professional manner, just think about if I will be a proper fit for such a leadership position.

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