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i dont quite understand, vynirius joined literally a week ago and becomes mod without obtaining member beforehand?

not only that, but a thread posted by insane a while go got him banned. thread is linked here <

attached with youtube video.


tf2 division manager had no consent of this - whose idea was this?


explain yourself!

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i dont quite understand, vynirius joined literally a week ago and becomes mod without obtaining member beforehand?

not only that, but a thread posted by insane a while go got him banned. thread is linked here <

attached with youtube video.


tf2 division manager had no consent of this - whose idea was this?


explain yourself!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the promoting of Vynirius had something to do with @Nomulous

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I was responsible for collecting the tf2 promo/demo info, and got the list from @kbraszzz. However, I was told by @Nomulous to add Vynirius to the tf2 promo list. I did run this by kbraszzz before the promo/demo was posted just to make sure he was aware of the addition, and he seemed fine about it. My question is why you (Nomulous) thought it was in any way appropriate to promote a non-member to moderator, especially while neglecting to tell any of the CL's that he was a non-member.

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Let's not get off topic and remember this is a member submission, if you wish to question

@Nomulous then message him privately or create a thread for it

Fine then.

-1 user mass free killed, does not know the rules, should be re-banned.



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