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Gorillabot3000 - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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I've only been on this server a few days, and just by pissing off the admin named Vector in a few arguments (the first of which he actually started) I swiftly got banned. Allot of the community has been very nice, and I've only pissed off a few people via complaining about in game things that they were doing (which I was usually just screwing around with them about). I've heard good things about this guy's contributions to the server, although I was just attempting to help get this guy to stop harassing players he knew nothing about (including myself). Because he has the sort of attitude that scares people into behaving as he wishes, he convinced everyone that he was not only justified in being rude to almost every new person on the server, but also that I should be banned. I was told that I was being banned for one day, and I took it, simply said "fine, see you in a day", and when I later checked on the ban queue, he apparently changed his mind and made it a permanent ban without first notifying me in any way.

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@Vector "Abusive" was the reasoning for the ban. I myself am wondering what in god's name could have happened in which a player with no powers or anything was 'abusive'. If you were supposed to be banned for a day, he may have switched it to a permanent ban if you left before he could deal the ban (evading a ban), but that can't be certain until his input is given.

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Vector dosnt harass people, that's just the tone In his voice (imo). I'm pretty sure there's more to the story if he decided to ban you in the first place.

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Vector was explaining to everyone why he was mad the day before when he went and accused or whatever a friend of many people on the server. He asked everyone to kindly be quiet so he could tell the server his side. And Gorilla was told to be quiet calmly and he just kept trying to put in snarky remarks I believe and Vector finally had it and just didn't want to deal with him and his "contributing gasoline to the fire of an argument". He said with a cocky attitude "see you in a day". As if it were a regular occurrence to be banned and it meant nothing to him. Vector decided it'd be a week and said so. And before he could ban him for a week, he left the server and avoided ban which means permanent ban. It would have been a week if he left when it was a day ban.

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Well I don't want to be that guy but, arguing with staff can be considered "disrespect" and therefore can result in a ban.

-Wise words from The one and only ZombieDaryl

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I am pretty sure that first off... this so called "disrespect" should only be up to a 6 hr ban... not a day or a week....


and leaving before getting banned is NOT a perm ban, unless it is to avoid a perm CT ban for mass freekilling... the proper punishment for someone who left is to use the "ban disconnected" option and ban them just like you were going to....


+1 for unban... improper punishment used. It also seems like he was about to get a week ban without being gag/muted first OR kicked.

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Alright, I'm only gonna put my input on this once 'cause now that it's on the forums it's gonna incite a bigger flamewar than I thought. Just hear me out.

Gorillabot can be stupid - like, really stupid - but he is nice to people like me and I honestly don't think he intends to be cocky about the way he talks. When he said, "see you in a day", I don't think he meant it to sound like an ass to Vector, I think he meant it to me or anyone else that talked to him prior to Vector logging on or something. Also, with the "ban evasion" rule, I typically don't overly enforce it because if I tell them that I'm banning them, there's no reason for them to stay, so they'll probably log off anyway.


Gorrillabot should know better than to argue with an admin, especially one that hates him, and should, for his own sake, stop talking when Vector instructs him to. Gorillabot claims himself to be smart, so he should know when to let things go - and I mean actually let them go, not say you will and talk again later. Vector made the right decision in a banning him, because he causes too much trouble for this server to deal with. I personally could care less about Gorillabot but if he's the catalyst for all of this bullshit then there's no sense in keeping him on, at least around Vector.

Bottom line, Gorilla doesn't bother me or several unamed others, and maybe he didn't intend for this to happen, but if he can't keep stuff from blowing up then it's stupid to keep him around.

Tagging @Vector

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Last i checked, you only get a perm for avoiding a team-ban (Blue-ban for TF2 i guess..? IDK)

How did a day turn into a week and then instantly a perm?


Oh, and just incase: @Vector

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I guess I ought to summarize. I'll do my best to keep it unbiased, but who knows.

A player named Gorillabot300 joined the server one day; I have no idea when, but at the time he had never met Vector so he didn't know what to expect, but prior, he seemed to be relatively friendly to the people currently on. Then, Vector logged on and eventually Gorilla said something stupid that Vector called him out on (I don't remember what it was). They argued for a while, and Gorilla atempted to defend himself poorly but it ultimately ended in nothing and one of them just left. These things happened quite often every time the two were on the same server. After a while, Vector decided he'd need to ban him, and when he let Gorillabot know, he said, "well, see you in a day", which people felt was snappy, so Vector extended the ban to a week. But upon doing so, he had already left the game, which resulted in the so-called ban evasion and eventually bringing Vector to perm him.

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@Vector "Abusive" was the reasoning for the ban. I myself am wondering what in god's name could have happened in which a player with no powers or anything was 'abusive'. If you were supposed to be banned for a day, he may have switched it to a permanent ban if you left before he could deal the ban (evading a ban), but that can't be certain until his input is given.

abusive as in, he was abusive to other players in the server. now gorilla has had a major problem in the long run, where he had major problems starting arguments and or joining them, we told him multiple times to stop and he would not listen, he would not listen. he then proceeds to harass other players such as Kitsune who asked him to please stop. WE DID mute him @Matsi and then when it was all over he continued. i said alright i'm sick of your shit, day ban. he then proceeds to go oh boy! see you guys tomorrow! in a very bitchy way. i then tell him well if you really don't seem to give a shit i'll make it a week. and about a few seconds after i start some said he left. so i check the leader board and check and find he did, he evaded the week ban so i made it a perm. Gorilla has been a problem since the day he only recently did. he had this arrogant attitude saying shit like "oh i have an IQ of 130" which i call him out on saying no one gives a shit. he claimms he wants the make the server better but he gets into discussions which he has no reason to. as you can if you check the chat logs (trying my best to get convos of other people's reactions): http://puu.sh/82cbB.png http://puu.sh/82chg.png http://puu.sh/82cjM.png http://puu.sh/82cmn.png http://puu.sh/82coX.png http://puu.sh/82cqZ.png http://puu.sh/82cxg.png

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Don't think he was evading ban so shouldn't be perm imo. Evading ban (to me) is breaking major rules then dc'ing before someone can say/do anything. You told him you were banning him so I think he just left since he knew it was coming anyway. That's all I wanted to say.

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Alright so the permanent ban was dealt due to "evasion of a ban". As far as permanent bans are concerned, the only time a day/week/etc Server ban can be immediately changed to a permanent Server ban is when a player Mass Freekills (or other possible serious offences) and leaves before the ban is dealt. With that said, I'm going to +1 for a reduced ban time.


we told him multiple times to stop and he would not listen, he would not listen. he then proceeds to harass other players such as Kitsune who asked him to please stop. WE DID mute him @Matsi and then when it was all over he continued.

Define 'we', I'd like to hear what the other Staff (if that's who you are referring to) has to say on the matter.


However, I have to agree with what Matsi brought up. Was the proper procedure followed when dealing with this matter (warning>gag>kick or warning>mute>kick)? From what you've said, you only muted/gagged him, but never kicked him (if he continued with his behaviour).

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Alright so the permanent ban was dealt due to "evasion of a ban". As far as permanent bans are concerned, the only time a day/week/etc Server ban can be immediately changed to a permanent Server ban is when a player Mass Freekills (or other possible serious offences) and leaves before the ban is dealt. With that said, I'm going to +1 for a reduced ban time.



Define 'we', I'd like to hear what the other Staff (if that's who you are referring to) has to say on the matter.


However, I have to agree with what Matsi brought up. Was the proper procedure followed when dealing with this matter (warning>gag>kick or warning>mute>kick)? From what you've said, you only muted/gagged him, but never kicked him (if he continued with his behaviour).

We as in the people in the server, did you not see the screen shots that i posted? people in chat we're getting fed up with him. what we did was we warned (the whole server) verbally and through text (see screen shots) then i muted him and then i unmuted him and he continued that is enough of a warning to go on to ban, because kicking him wouldn't do shit. this has been going on for the past few days where we tell him not to get involved in arguments in which he doesn't need to be in.

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