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Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board)

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In-Game Name: The Wraith-ist


ID: Steam Community :: The Wraith-ist


Information: I logged into the Trade Gaming History server a month ago and immediately, Vector (Alias "Niggie Smalls") began personal assaults against me including "How does it feel to know that everybody hates you?" and "Stop faking suicide attempts and just kill yourself."


After his personal assaults, Vector opened a poll for the server about if I should be perma-banned. The two options were "Yes" and "Yes". After the poll, I was perma-banned. In the archive on this site, my ban reason simply says "Other".


I feel that I was unjustly banned, especially after the harassment Vector dealt out as soon as I joined the server. If at all possible, I would like to be unbanned.

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Lol after i told you to wait a little while you completely ignore me and what you forget to mention about your constant suicide threats on our server and to our members @BonfireCentipede. and no the poll was yes or no and people voted and it finished with i believe 14 yes and 6 nos (don't count on me for it). This kid has been a pain since day one, with having xG in his name after i told him multiple times to change it, and his porn spray which i had to tell him multiple times to change. after i banned him for that offense (i believe it was for 1 day) he went onto other servers with the name FUCK xG and shit posted about us on other servers @BonfireCentipede was the one who he was venting to, and had the name and everything. Another person he went all depressed on was @Maymalays. I remember one night i come onto the server, because @Huster_Salvador told me someone was threatening suicide. Sure enough it was Zun (this was on Mario Kart) i gave him a clear warning that if he did this again, that he would be severely punished because of our history with people threatning suicide. Zun is an attention seaking child who throws a fit when things don't go his way, he actually insulted another player named Kitsune because he wouldn't talk to him because she and i were having a conversation, he then proceeds to verbally assault her and leaves the server (thankfully he apoloigised for that.) not back to the suicide thing, so after the ban for the nude spray and everything he begins crying to bonfire about suicide and how he was going to kill himself and that "don't be surprised if i don't come back to the computer" and shit like "i'll give you all of my items because i don't need them where i am going" i am sick and tired of baby sitting him and having him abuse the people on our server, now was i harsh on him? you're damn fucking right i was, it's the internet, and don't take shit out on us with this server. i am absolutely disgusted with you Zun and i TRIED helping you by saying, give your self a few months to cool down but clearly you did not. Not if you guys want to believe me or not i don't really care, but ever since he got incredibly depressed it's been not stop threats and depression.

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I'd have to trust Vector here more than the other guy as he is an admin. We take suicide threats very seriously here at xG but there's not a lot we can do if you don't want us to help. And we aren't going to sit by while you harass our members and constantly make them feel bad and force this guilt upon them. If you feel suicidal get help, and not from some random strangers on a video game. There are tons of hotlines for you. But Vector did right, if you are unable to accept our help (what little we can give) and then you continue to guilt and antagonize our players. We're done with you.

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so this is the suicide drama guy Bonfire told me about...


Bonfire did get a little distraught at this event if I remember. If thats the kind of feelings of discomfort you throw at xG members, we don't want you on the servers.


We honestly don't need suicide threats and this attention seeking drama on any xG server. I was also on the server once when he was using the "FUCK xG" name and I politely asked about it and what was wrong and all I got was insults and abuse.


If you are actually depressed and not just acting depressed for attention speak to a doctor or phone a helpline.

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wow. Just wow. This just left me spechless. but anyways, I don't think Vector would assult any one who plays on the servers. I don't think and staff of xG would assult anyone. plus, you have no proof. so +1 with keep perma ban.

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Well, I guess I'll be the one to request for this to be closed.


The player obviously does not have any evidence or proof of this so-called 'disorderly conduct' from Vector and rank.xenogamers.com does not have any entries that can support the player's claim (Vector's chat history [sourced Here] only goes as far as March 26 while the ban was dealt on March 22 [sourced Here]. Shro has no chat history given either [sourced Here]).


Without any evidence or proof, there is no way xG can just take your word over the word of its Staff. Sorry m8, looks like you're up shit creek without a paddle :coffee:

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