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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

[CC, UnG] Kypari

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:



13, in about 2 weeks I'll be 14.

Further Information:

I seem to change my name often, so you may recognize the name "Darks_." That's me!

I have reached 30k points on xG Trade Gaming History and just below it (around 29k and half) on Goldenrod.

I am very active on both xG servers and I go on everyday as long as there are enough people to play the game and trade with.

I have become friends with a few members of xG and hope to join them. Not many people hate me on Trade Gaming History nor Goldenrod.

Thanks for reading!

-Kypari/Darks_/Whatever my name used to be.

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