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New Taunts: Ruining The Game?

Are taunts ruining tf2  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Are taunts ruining tf2

    • yes
    • no
    • no but stick to taunting on non serious servers
    • yes but I don't play pubs so idc

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I got this idea from a youtuber by the name the UnknownVenom. People are complaining that the new taunts ruined tf2 pub-wise because when you join a pub, most people will just be messing around instead of actually playing the dayum game. I personally think you should play the actual games in pubs, unless you have some spare time in the round. I recommend messing around in servers where the game isn't taken seriously. What do you guys think about the taunts?

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I kinda think it's ruining all kinds if servers. Like on hale, you'll find everyone, AND HALE, doing the conga. But like on the trade severs and shit, I dot really mind bc your suppose to have fun.

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just be patient and wait a couple months; things will return to normal, the hype will die down soon.


if anything, the taunts are a great addition to the game along with the new weapons

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I'm not complaining about it, and I agree with @Hachi. I was on a freak fortress and no one would play the game

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hachi dose make a good point it is frustrating when hale is not killing and holding up the round but i dont think they are ruining tf2 its tf2 also know has hat simulator its not really a big thing the taunt hype will die in like a week and all will be normal

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Yeah some may argue that the newer taunts ruin the game but I think they are fucking fantastic. But rules need to be established I'm not letting you take my conga

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