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Bonk - counter-strike: source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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So I was just playing RPG surf, then this raging little kid, named "Bonk" came on. And immediately he started harassing me! Claiming that I am not in xG, And that he "knew for a fact" that I am not in xG, when I am clearly in xG, and I was supporting my xG-ness by having the name [xG] XENOGAMERS [xG}. Then he went on to slay me for no reason! And then banned me twice, for "take off tags little boy". I don't understand why you let little kids run rampet with mod? Something has to be done about this travesty, and for the future of xG. Please no more bad mods!

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hey, i know the first ban was wrong, I assumed that you weren't in xG because i didnt recognize you, but the hour ban was mostly for the disrespect and arguing. regardless, i banned myself for an hour.

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Honest mistake? He blatantly pointed out he KNEW FOR A FACT I was not in xG, and proceeded to induce undeserved punishment! Sorry does not fix mistakes, it's just an excuse to get away with things.

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cow im fucking tired, stressed, and all fucking kinds of shit. i admitted the first ban was wrong but i still feel like the 2nd one was justified because of the disrespect and arguing with me. regardless i banned myself for an hour, if itll make you happy ill extend it to a day

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cow im fudgeing tired, stressed, and all fudgeing kinds of steaming pantload. i admitted the first ban was wrong but i still feel like the 2nd one was justified because of the disrespect and arguing with me. regardless i banned myself for an hour, if itll make you happy ill extend it to a day

banning yourself for a hour doesnt mean anything cause Ribbit is still banned. so you probably shouldnt have banned yourself hahaha

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banning yourself for a hour doesnt mean anything cause Ribbit is still banned. so you probably shouldnt have banned yourself hahaha

whatever, it probably would have happened anyways

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cow im fudgeing tired, stressed, and all fudgeing kinds of steaming pantload. i admitted the first ban was wrong but i still feel like the 2nd one was justified because of the disrespect and arguing with me. regardless i banned myself for an hour, if itll make you happy ill extend it to a day

Just because you missed your nap-time doesn't mean you have the right to take it out on the servers, this always leads to abuse! And you argued and disrespected back boy, so watch your mouth.

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Just because you missed your nap-time doesn't mean you have the right to take it out on the servers, this always leads to abuse! And you argued and disrespected back boy, so watch your mouth.

look cow, i didnt mean to abuse, and could you explain the disrespect pls?

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look cow, i didnt mean to abuse, and could you explain the disrespect pls?


You think I give a fuck about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fucking disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming.

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You think I give a fudge about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fudgeing disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming.

i get that everyone disrespects, and I'll admit that I have disrespected plenty, but do you mind telling me what the disrespect was?

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I see no chat logs of what happened, we can't go on word alone.


I do see a ban for "take the tags off little boy", which should not by any means be a ban.

Also, did you happen to ASK about membership? Not just automatically say "you aren't in xG hurr hurr hurr"

(You know, ask for a membership submission, or look into forums at all? Idunno)


Clearly there is some salt between you two. The disrespect is real on both sides.

-1 for insufficient evidence and the fact you two can't get along.


Also if you guys keep dis-respecting each other it doesn't look good for either of you

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I see no chat logs of what happened, we can't go on word alone.


I do see a ban for "take the tags off little boy", which should not by any means be a ban.

Also, did you happen to ASK about membership? Not just automatically say "you aren't in xG hurr hurr hurr"

(You know, ask for a membership submission, or look into forums at all? Idunno)


Clearly there is some salt between you two. The disrespect is real on both sides.

-1 for insufficient evidence and the fact you two can't get along.


Also if you guys keep dis-respecting each other it doesn't look good for either of you

there was someone there who said he was recording the whole thing, he might still be on surf if someone wants to go get him

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