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Public opinion on the new unusual server rules, (cancer).

Should people be able to use the terms "Cancer" or "Shit-Tier" in the new xG Unusual Server?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Should people be able to use the terms "Cancer" or "Shit-Tier" in the new xG Unusual Server?

    • Yes, we should be able to voice our opinions without punishment.
    • No, it's a disrespectful way to describe an Unusual.

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So, after discussing the new ruleset for the Unusual Server with Nomulous, he felt it would be best to poll our members and get your opinions on a few rules for the Unusual Server. We could not come to a conclusion on two points, so we will let everyone decide together. The option that receives the most votes will be the one put into place. If you would please be so kind, vote in this poll and voice your opinion. Thank you.

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If you want to be a great leader, remember to treat all people with respect at all times. For one, because you never know when you'll need their help. And two, because it's a sign you respect people, which all great leaders do. At least that is what i think.

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I have no opinion here, I don't mind when Kypari calls my Heavy unusual Ew and such because it's duped. In the end it depends on the person who's being degraded and how butthurt they'll get about it.

It really does come down to how chill a person is about their stuff, but that's the same with anything really. There's a certain threshold with what you can and can't joke about with people, and it's different with everybody.


I personally feel that if we allow this kind of monologue however, we WILL run into headaches because eventually someone will raise a stink about it. I don't want to be the guy in the position to have to tell them to "Get over it", because disrespect is one of our biggest issues, so I think we shouldn't allow it to begin with, just to prevent future issues.


My two cents. ^-^

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I don't like using the term of a serious disease as a way to describe anything but its so widely used online I usually have to use it. The TF2 economy uses the word cancer tier to describe low priced ugly unusuals and effects. However I don't think they should be used on the server as they are disrespectful, immature and nasty ways to describe low priced items.

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Honestly, i dont care, it's called ignoring the person and muting them, even then why should i care about what they think about what i wear on a video game, again video game. what goes, goes i dont really mind.

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Even though I don't have any unusuals (yet), I feel that using a a horrible disease's name to describe a "low-tier" hat is unsportsmanlike and promotes bad character. I hate it when that happens. Call them whatever you want in private.

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I never said "cancer" but I use terms like steaming pantload-tier/low-tier, if they're offended, then it sucks for them.

I don't think "low-tier" would generate any issues, but I can definitely see a problem arising from using the term "shit-tier".

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ummmm lol wut? people actually call them that? Stuff like this is why I just stick to only trading in high end items in CS:GO where they are worth more and hold their value better...and it's less confusing... xD

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7. DO NOT use derogatory terms to describe low-tier Unusuals, such as “Cancer” or “Shit-Tier.”


There seems to be a general agreement favouring the rule as it is.

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There seems to be a general agreement favouring the rule as it is.

I agree. This one seems like it can stay. The other rule, however....


That will need to be disregarded. =)

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