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Our dead servers, and what to do with them.

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We have an abundance of horribly dead servers that we literally are doing nothing with. We can do two things to these servers.


1. Populate them



2. Turn them into something else.


I'm just gonna list some ideas I have for servers, or ideas I've had in the past.

Surf - I would populate this definitely. Surf is important to medic, scout, solly, and demo mains due to the air strafing requirements the class actually requires. It's fun, a good way to practice, and there are plugins we can install to make randoms come back.

Dodgeball - I would also populate this. Although not as much fun as surf in my opinion, this is very important to pyro mains, and is a lot of fun to mess around with.

SZF - Like zombie fortress, but SUPER.

Stop that tank - Never played it myself, but these servers basically rake in new players.


Basically all the ideas I had. I know we've tried many of these before and they didn't work out, but hey, let's give it a second shot.

Unless, you want to, like, populate our current dead servers.



tl;dr: wahwahh can we replace the dead servers with servers i want pls thanks

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WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"


We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.

We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.

If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.

First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.


Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.

"I'm very active on ____ server"


Only ONE server


That's my input

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I'm going to keep on saying it, because this also ties into what TwoZeroFour said, i just wish the mods and admins would act like principals and not dictators. a principal calls you in to tell you what you did wrong and lets you off with a warning or detention. a dictator calls you in to tell you what you did wrong, then proceeds to make fun of you and pester you and gets the whole server to join along to pester this person. i understand that a person did something wrong, but don't go to far with it just tell them what they did wrong. it really turns people off when there are rude admins and mods, and go off and tell people why this server is bad thus not populating it.

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Why is the TF2 Div literally full of trade servers and twelve year olds?

Why isn't there focus on the new servers and improving them, instead of making copies of others?


stahp making moar servers and focus on each individual server first

but I mean if you're going to make a server anyway, class warfare is where its at

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Bach and Swift hit the nail on the head. Our Admins and Mods need a crash course in etiquette when it comes to dealing with issues. We need to stop treating our patrons like highschoolers treat each other and set a higher precedence for our clan.


I do want to disagree the point that we don't need different servers, however. We have quite a few extra servers that are simply duplicates of others that are never populated. I think a Surf and a Dodgeball server would be excellent additions to our repertoire, allowing us to expand to other parts of the TF2 community that we currently do not reach.


But our main focus needs to be how we deal with other players first. Fix that, then worry about repopulation.

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Ok this is my take on what to do with the dead servers (yes it means add some)


I say we get rid of the duplicate servers and replace them with a couple of ideas that i know have people on all the time.I say we should get rid of the not populated trade servers and also either ff2 or convert people from saxton hale to ff2. also tf2 ware is not really working so get rid of it. also as @metalslug53 @Swift and @Bach said, staff and members should treat everyone with equal respect no matter who they are, keep your issues to yourself.


Some of the ideas that i think will work are:

1. Randomizer + x10- those servers have 30+ people on for almost 16 hours a day.


2. Dodge ball and surf since that is a constant variable.


3. Helltower 24/7- that is a personal favorite of mine and would be awesome if we can make the server with perks and maybe even randomizer

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For some reason, Hale regulars like to stay at actual hale

Back when I was staff, and tried to pop FF2, no one would come and just stay at regular hale.

I say, if we get rid of anything, too get rid of FF2. It has the bosses normal hale has, but regular hale actually gets populated. It's really just a waste of money..

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