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Bye bye fegs (i'm leaving)

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I'm leaving the clan. Before you say, "lul slonkerdicks (i mean "richknight") left just yesterday fegit kys." I have been planning about leaving since the summer so yea. I might still play on the server and such.


My reason for leaving: I'm bored of being in a clan like this. When I first joined this clan it was a blast. Now I just sit here asking myself, "Why the fuck am I still here?" This has been a great time, and you guys are all awesome.


Tagging some people because of how awesome they were

@Muzzle hi kthxbai

@Nomulous thanks for all the hard work put into our servers!

@RichKnight byebye (you dirty cheat who leaves before me :c)

@My XBOX for taking time away from PC

@My life for being an asshole and taking my precious time from my computer even though I use it too much with it

@Moosty you were a great mod (before the demotion)

@Dethman Don't drop the soap next time you get arrested for stupid shit

@SPORK you were the one that got me to join xg in the first place, you were a great friend and thank you.

@Hachi eww amy rose but i remember only playing on jb2 for a while and you were mod

@Goblin y u no active

@Professor_Bubbles even though I doubt you will read this, your +1 on my member app was god tier (even though you weren't a member at the time lol.)

@Swift cory

@everyone else




Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became a faggot in a clan called xenogamers





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