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SPORK last won the day on August 24 2014

SPORK had the most liked content!


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    Your favorite utensil.

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  1. congratulations rolo poo @Colorparty :llama:
  2. You better not stop talking to me on steam you poop ;-; bye bb :depressed:
  3. SPORK


    You know it bb :llama:
  4. +1 +1 = +2 I approve in double. :llama:
  5. "Steam is now priced in Canadian Dollars" @[51406:@TwoZeroFour] They love us.
    1. Bach


      fuck yeah they do
  6. SPORK

    What's up with that profile picture :o
  7. @[106409:@FoRgE] is a bad person, inside and out.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPORK


      The truth hurts doesn't it.
    3. Forge


      such hate because you were being an ass in teamspeak, can't take the punishment.
    4. Muzzle


      You mad or naw
  8. I want a fedora :c
  9. +1 I know im late af but: "(Maybe limit to admins+ to avoid aboose?)" @TwoZeroFour abuses more than me so gg lmfaoo
  10. SPORK

    "Mood: Masculine" Hmmmmm, seems legit.
  11. @StarmiX So then what you're saying is because their issue is bigger than the one the Ice Bucket Challenge targets (ALS) that we shouldn't care about those who have ALS. So what you're implying is that we're not allowed to feel bad and support those who have a certain disease/sickness because there are others who have it worse. If this is actually how you think, then you might aswell go to all of those people who you claim "are starving to death" and tell them: "You're not allowed to be happy because theres other people in the world who have it better than you." Maybe ALS isn't the biggest problem out there, but we can't solve every single problem in the world. So lets help those we CAN help by supporting them. And for your information, ALS has caused many deaths like my friend's father. So please educate yourself before making those comments. Don't worry I still love you.
  12. It's nice to see what people are like behind their screens. @TwoZeroFour you got nominated lets go you gotta do it ahahaha. :llama: