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Timeboxjunior - nuclear dawn

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Nuclear Dawn

In-Game Name:

Time-box Junior!

Steam ID:



I was banned for harrasment(to who?) at noon today. I was at work at noon.

I barely talk in game, who could I have been harrassing while at work?(i don't play at work and no mic)

please provide proof I was harrassing with who, what was said, when I said it.


Also XG owns every server ND has and this ban carries over to every one of those so Im basically banned from the game for no reason.

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Guilty until proven innocent huh?


I was not on at the time I was banned.

I dont own a mic and seldom use text chat.

For these reasons I could not have been harrassing anyone at that time.

Also, I like to think I'm nice, and I dont harrass.

Without evidence refuting what I have said you must take it as the only testimony.

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you'll most likely get unbanned since stickz is such a nice fellow. :)


but records show that you have said some naughty things,



more unncecessary sentences [harrasments worthy (?)] from previous weeks/months but you're most likely banned from the recent chat messages shown above


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Also XG owns every server ND has and this ban carries over to every one of those so Im basically banned from the game for no reason.

holy shit lelelelelel


Also, this "guilty until proven innocent" is a retarded way of looking at it, the admin (Division Leader) is more than trustworthy of his own judgement and this isn't some American courtroom shit, this is a video game server so quit acting as if you're in the wrong, and gwoash was even nice enough to find proof of you harassing players.




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https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:5897337 &advType=steamid


Look over your chat log, maybe this will give you more insight as to why you were banned.

Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History


Nov 17, 2014 5:52:20 am weak shit comm, dont build turrets in enemy base like a fuck [xG] Bootcamp #1 EU | Rookie Friendly | No Vets
Nov 17, 2014 5:48:32 am fuck off dan [xG] Bootcamp #1 EU | Rookie Friendly | No Vets
Nov 16, 2014 4:27:24 pm stfu bro [xG] Redstone #2 | Chicago | 10P/20Bots
Nov 15, 2014 9:35:10 am fuck you chicken lemme weld your shit [xG] Redstone #2 | Chicago | 10P/20Bots


Redstone has an zero tolerance policy for harassment. It's not ok to just straight up tell someone to 'fuck off'.


Your attitude on our forums definitely isn't helping your case. I'm put in an tough spot right now, do I drop the ban after harassing people on Redstone and doing "slow caps" + "no hard feels" on our forums or do I keep it as is? I'll be honest, had you nicely asked what you did wrong, got an response from me then apologized for it, I would have dropped the ban instantly. Instead it played out as "*slow clap*, unban please", "xg owns the servers".


Here's what's going to happen. Your ban length is going to be reduced to three days. As an administrator, I don't think one week is an fair sentence. Should you get banned again for harassment and troll like this on the forums, I will close the thread instantly without even reading it.


edit: You committed the act and you're therefore responsible for it. I'm not obligated in any way to prove my case or even discuss this with you.


~Issue Resolved~

~Thread Closed~

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