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Alyrin - team fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Saikami (Original name was kel)

Steam ID:


Hello, thank-you for reading my appeal.


I had no issues up until the night I was banned, nobody said anything even though the same mods who agreed on my ban had been in the server with me previously. I play as a sniper, on a side note.


I forget their names now, it's been quite a while, but they claimed that I had been "hacking", and that they'd been spectating me. According to them, I was getting headshots as I shot people in the feet.


When my girlfriend told them of these body shots, they claimed that I had "made it so I don't headshot only her", and a few other things along the lines. I wasn't given a warning, it was just a ban, with no proof of anything they had claimed, just that they were spectating me.


I've never run an aimbot client, there's no reason for me to. I have somewhere close to 3,000 hours (between accounts) in tf2, so a lot of practice has been done.


This is a demo of me playing.

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If I was spectating and permed you, then it was blatant enough for my high ass to pick up on it. If it was a perm then I had to have had permission from the higher ups in teamspeak. I remember this situation pretty clearly, and that reticle was nowhere close bub.


@Bach @kbraszzz this is Kel(tec)

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  1. Get banned for aimbot
  2. Record yourself playing without any aimbot and post it in a ban protest
  3. ???
  4. Profit


I think the fact that you use multiple accounts is fishy too. :)

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When dealing with situations that involve hacking, scripting, or other "exploits" for a lack of better words, Staff is always required to have at least two other Staff Members (admin+) support the claim. That means at least three or more Staff Members has agreed upon suspicious activity; however, some sort of evidence should have been taken down at the time (demo, screen cap) in addition to the support of two other Staff members witnessing the suspicious activity.


With that said, I'll assume that there was no demo or screenshot taken (correct me if I'm wrong). Although, given that a Division Leader agreed upon this ban then I believe it was justified in that this particular instance required no substantial hard proof if the Division Leader witnessed it first hand, but that's just my opinion.

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When dealing with situations that involve hacking, scripting, or other "exploits" for a lack of better words, Staff is always required to have at least two other Staff Members (admin+) support the claim. That means at least three or more Staff Members has agreed upon suspicious activity; however, some sort of evidence should have been taken down at the time (demo, screen cap) in addition to the support of two other Staff members witnessing the suspicious activity.


With that said, I'll assume that there was no demo or screenshot taken (correct me if I'm wrong). Although, given that a Division Leader agreed upon this ban then I believe it was justified in that this particular instance required no substantial hard proof if the Division Leader witnessed it first hand, but that's just my opinion.

There wasn't one taken, but I agree with what you said. They should've at least offered me proof of what they were claiming. I've at least tried to offer you guys something to show I'm not hacking, and while that's something I kind of had to do, it's more than they gave me. I'm not vac banned, I don't have an extensive ban history that I'm aware of, so if I was actually hacking, one would think I would have at least one (if not both) of those things.

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If I was spectating and permed you, then it was blatant enough for my high butt to pick up on it. If it was a perm then I had to have had permission from the higher ups in teamspeak. I remember this situation pretty clearly, and that reticle was nowhere close bub.


@Bach @kbraszzz this is Kel(tec)

It wasn't a perm, but it might as well have been. That is what happened. My girlfriend stayed in the server and tried to talk to you guys about the entire thing, and one of the mods said I was shooting people's feet and getting headshots. That was what was said before you lot just started ignoring her and wouldn't say anything.


For one, feet aren't heads. For two, I can't help it if people walk in front of my bullets, and I can't help it if most of you couldn't hit me with your's. You may remember what you did and said, and if you're not the one who said I was shooting feet, then what did you say besides banning me? Was that just in silence, no proof, no justification besides saying you were watching me, nothing?

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I don't have an extensive ban history that I'm aware of, so if I was actually hacking, one would think I would have at least one (if not both) of those things.


Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"


One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.


Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.harpoongaming.PNG.2c4e99f3e4d791123df061fad9b40997.PNG





so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz

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