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Hub Issues As Of Late.

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Soooo, over the course of about the past week, Hub has been a real assbutt lately. Things have reset, trails are gone, name tags are no longer there, weapon colors aren't showing, and all sorts of nonsense is going on. I'm not sure what caused it, but it'd be swell if it could be fixed. Perhaps we could try resetting the servers that have been affected, I dunno.


At the time of writing this, the following servers are affected:


-Trade Gaming History

-Pokemon Trade

-Saxton Hale




Strangely enough, the Unusual Server, Surf, and Deathrun are all unaffected.


It'd be cool if it could be fixed! :D



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Thanks @metalslug53 for making the thread. I was going to make it yesterday but procrastination is a constant thing with me. Anyways, there has been a problem with hub and for some reason and server population went down on pokemon in afternoon and there are constant complaints about it when I come on. I hope this problem can get resolved very soon. It makes the servers to me look bland. Color chat draws attention to me then a red and Blu chat.



Also, Saxton admin commands are not working through chat like ban, gag, and mute as well as 90% of the time \admin did not work.

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