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Team Fortress 2

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Previously in xG:


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Time Active:

23 hrs



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Yes I would like to be a mod or admin for your guys JB server. Not to Brag bout it but to actally do some admin work like make sure people obey the JB server rules and if you read this im sure glad u actally thought of letting me be a Mod or Admin thank you for your time



Sign by: EliteFrostNinja56

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So let's just get this all together in one post:


1.) you need to be atleast 16 to join xG.

2.) When applying for MEMBER, you only get MEMBER status, if accepted. If you do get accepted, you have to work your way up the ranks for staff. Which can't happen now since you're 14. Com back in to years, we'll be here.



@metalslug53 @Rejects @Ohstopyou @Moosty

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So let's just get this all together in one post:


1.) you need to be atleast 16 to join xG.

2.) When applying for MEMBER, you only get MEMBER status, if accepted. If you do get accepted, you have to work your way up the ranks for staff. Which can't happen now since you're 14. Com back in to years, we'll be here.



@metalslug53 @Rejects @Ohstopyou @Moosty



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