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Ceaseroniel - Garrys Mod

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Garrys Mod

In-Game Name:


Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Server Ban


got banned because i killed a few people because there was a alien in the way.. im new to morbus so i didnt understand that if you killed that many people you get banned! i didnt mean too and ill try and make sure that it doesnt happen again. i just really wanna play morbus with my friends! thx

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Thanks for taking the time to write a ban protest! You will be rewarded for doing this!


The ban reason says that you were mass RDMing with a buddy. This means a lot of people were killed improperly without any probable cause or justification.


Your information is here.

Xeno Gamers


And do you happen to recognize this person?

Xeno Gamers


Could you please explain in more detail as to what actually happened? When looking on the RDM logs, all I seen was stupid amounts of RDMs coming from you and your friend.

Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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The client doesn't seem to have any further comments for this ban protest. It's a shame as it would have worked in their benefit.


I have gone ahead and reduced the duration on both bans to two weeks from the starting dates. Mass RDMing is normally a permeable offensive, so consider this a friendly reminder not to attempt it again. Players are fully obligated not to ignore the server rules; which, are plastered on the loading screen, motd, in the help menus and shown via direct notification when rdming.


~Threads Closed~

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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