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V I T A S - Nuclear Dawn

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Nuclear Dawn

In-Game Name:


Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

90% play ratio through constant team stacking. intentionally ruining games when can't stack on team consortium.

Ban Type:

Server Ban


I think that this ban is not legitimate. I played as commander for team Empire. And while I understood in the buildings I was expelled from my commanders. I thought that due to the fact that I am novice. Although the game has only just begun and less than two minutes. After the map was followed by a permanent ban. So, if you beginner then you can give ban? The commander that I didn't play. Turns out you can blame any player? If the player loses on the same team, it is possible to accuse him what he was playing for the other team?

(sorry if there are errors. Used the translator.)

Edited by Rhododendron (see edit history)

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Thanks for creating a ban protest! I prefer to resolve issues instead of keeping bans activate.


1. What is your primary Language? And could you please post BOTH that AND the translated English version?


2. You have a 90% play ratio on Team Consortium. This means you are constantly try to 'Team Stack' which negative impacts the experience for everyone on the server. Players who have a legitimate purpose for doing this like wanting to play with a friend are usually ignored. However, there is a problem when players constantly do this selfish reasons and strain the quality of hundreds of server games. The easiest way to explain this in relationship to real life, is someone who thinks are above everyone else and not subject to any "Rule of Law".


3. Your skill level is way too high to be concerned a notice (or new) player. There is no reason for someone who has almost 5.5 days of playtime to not understand the basics of commanding. It was clearly perceived by myself that you were "trolling" as Empire Commander when the issue on the "Nuclear Forest" map happened. Resources were being spent and sold (at a loss) on tons of consumable items with the purposeful intention of accelerating the ending of the game. Since you were trying to 'Team Stack" previously and have a past record of doing this; it was later perceived you were ruining the game for everyone on the server, because team balance didn't permit you to "Team Stack" on team Consortium that match.

Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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Здравствуйте. Основной язык мой русский.


Переводчик переводит текст недостаточно корректно, но попытаюсь понять ваш ответ.


Я много раз видел, за то короткое время, что я играл как другие игроки, подставляли команду, когда уже почти другие команды. Игрок командир, когда уже почти выиграл игру продавал ресурсы специально, что бы команда проиграла. Или, когда командир нарочно просто ничего не делал, чтобы проиграть. Однако они не наказаны. Вы посчитали, что за время моего командования (меньше двух минут) я совершил больше плохого, чем они.


Я в игре не очень часто играю командиром и поэтому возможно не знаю всех секретов командования. Если игрок играет плохо, то можно его обвинить в том, что он специально так делал? Если посмотреть на других игроков, то можно многих отправить в бан по вашим рассуждениям. Что же будет тогда? Почти пустой сервер тогда вообще никто не посетит?


То, что я чаще играю за консорциум не говорит по сути не о чем. У команды консорциума есть преимущества как в тяжелом оружии, так и в том, что боты команды империя лучше ориентированы на некоторых картах. И такой баг с ботами никто не убирает. Я просто не ищу легких путей, поэтому чаще получается играть за слабую команду, то есть за команду консорциум.


Я конечно извиняюсь за свои действия, но не думаю, что за такое действие должно быть такое наказание.


Hello. My main language is Russian.

The translator translates the text correctly enough, but will try to understand your answer.

I have seen many times, in the short time that I played as other players, put the team, when almost any other team. The player is the commander, when he almost won the game sold resources that the team lost. Or, when the commander deliberately did nothing to lose. However, they are not punished. You decided that during my command (less than two minutes) I've done more bad than they are.

I play not very often play as commander and so may not know all the secrets of command. If a player plays poorly, it is possible to accuse him what he specifically did? If you look at other players, you can send many in the ban on your reasoning. What will happen then? Almost empty server then no one will visit?

What I most often play as the consortium does not speak in fact about. The team of the consortium have advantages in heavy weapons, and that the bots of team Empire focused better on some maps. And a bug with bots nobody cleans. I'm just not looking for easy ways, so I usually get to play for a weak team, i.e. the team consortium.

I of course apologize for their actions, but do not think that such action should be punished.

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I do not create server bans to punish people. I create them to prevent games from getting ruined.


It can be extremely difficult to tell if someone is playing poorly or trolling sometimes. However, the evidence was clear you were intentionally ruining the game for everyone on the server. Using the excuse that other people do it is horrible and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Constantly stacking on Team Consortium because they have better weapons is not fair. The process of stacking creates additional imbalances which negatively impact the game for everyone else on the server. Furthermore, it's also not fair to the additional people who are balanced onto Team Empire because of you. Lastly, if everyone did this, it would make the game physically unplayable as nobody would be left on Empire.

Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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Переводчик похоже действительно плохо переводит.


Я не писал, что команда консорциума имеет преимущество в оружии. Наоборот преимущество у команды империи с оружием и с ботами.


Я не видел, что бы наказывали людей, которые поступают ужасно. Однако ВЫ посчитали что мои действия заслужили постоянного бана.


Вместо предупреждения вы выписали бан навсегда. По-вашему, это справедливо? Да я соглашусь, что поступил неправильно. Ведь пока я разбирался в игре за командира я поставил и продал разные ресурсы несколько раз. Что в этой игре все так строго? А если я зайду за команду и не буду бегать стрелять и захватывать точки мне тоже дадут бан? Я ведь намеренно не захватил точки и не убил никого.


Уж если вы не хотите меня разбанить, то скажите сразу об этом, и я удалю игру и забуду про вас. Зачем мне доказываете, что я как-то не так поступил?


Хотелось бы конечно поговорить с вашим русским другом. Могу также оставить свой скайп если желаете. А то наша переписка может затянуться надолго.


Уж либо играем, либо нет.


Надеюсь переводчик передаст мысль теста так как я изложил. Или пусть ваш русский друг вам переведет с тем смыслом с котором написано. Уж не надеюсь я на переводчик.


Translator looks like a really bad translation.

I did not write that the consortium team has the advantage in weapons. On the contrary, advantage of team Empire with weapons and bots.

I haven't seen that would punish the people who do terrible things. However, YOU felt that my actions deserve the permanent ban.

Instead of warning you prescribed a permanent ban. In your opinion, is this fair? Yes I agree, what you did was wrong. Because while I understood in the game for the commander I put and sold a few times in different resources. In this game everything is so strictly? And if I get behind the team and don't have to run to shoot and capture points I will also give ban? I'm deliberately not seized the point and did not kill anyone.

If you don't want unban me, tell me right away about it and I will delete the game and forget about you. Why would I prove that I did the right thing?

I would certainly talk with your Russian friend. You can also leave your Skype if you wish. And then our correspondence can take a long time.

Either you play or you don't.

I hope the translator will give the idea the test as I have outlined. Or let your Russian friend you translate the same meaning with which it is written. I hope I'm not the translator.

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The translator is not accurate enough sadly and my friend has changed his mind about coming on the forums.


Here's what's going to happen. Your permanent ban is going to be reduced to a permanent silence so you can access the server but cannot use commander.


If you continue to Team Stack on Team Consortium, I will put the permanent ban back on and will not be removing it. My concern is that games for everyone on the server don't get degraded or ruined because of one person. I don't think I can effectively communicate the negative impact of team stacking because of this language barrier. All I can say is that is ruin games for everyone on the server.



Ban: Xeno Gamers

Silence: Xeno Gamers


~Thread Closed~

Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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