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Regarding Recent Disrespectful Behaviour

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In all seriousness though, stop doin dat fudge, just face your probs like mature people you

aren't are, and talk it out instead of acting like 7th grade little american girls talking fudge about how big the little kids dirk is and who everyone else's is stupid and inferior whilst rubbing each other's hair egotistically not knowing that there are other groups of nerds doing the same fudge, binging that entire community down slowly.

Stop making this division divided kids, It's gettin really annoying.:afro:

lol didnt I say this last thread and many times between that? Maybe it's just just so pointless that we should just stop trying, cuz things are CLEARLY not getting any better, and some frickbois are just gonna keep on doin the same fudge? As I said Before, and if another bloody thread comes up again with the same issue:

Please, just actually do fudge instead of talkin bout it, if yer gonna talk the talk, you should just walk the walk.

IM calling it, in a few months this issue will keep on goin and someones gonna start a thread, saying: "oh no! bullying is not cool! not in this clan! we should stop it or baaad things are gonna happen! it is not tolerable in this clan!!!"

Seesh kids get it to-fricking-gether.

Speaking of hypocrisy, honestly Shadower, what is this? Why are you all out of the sudden sharing Vector's opinion?

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To start off, as you might have seen, I just got DM. One of the intentions was to show that I, myself do not tolerate this behavoir whatsoever.

And yes, I agree with you on that one.

this wasn't a target towards you as it's more of a general statement of the entire xG community, this has been said over and over again and it's starting to get ridiculous. In the past years xG has been around, the same topic keeps coming up with people intentions to be more harsh on it with little changing.

Reminds me of old times, amiright @Vector , but as far as I have realized, and I have been really active on ts recently, it changed (at least from my view, maybe I just don't see it).

i still get told from outside that it's not really different, that the clique is still there, try branching out into the CSGO div and learn to communicate, not just you but the rest of the tf2 div who have CSGO, that can make the relationship stronger on both ends. This also applies to CSGO, give TF2 a chance, don't write it off because the community is fucking awful (to be honest csgo isn't much better, you might as well say the steam community is shit).

What do you mean? You're getting flamed for killing friendlies? This is what it says about the friendly plugin in our MOTD

I have been called, a faggot, try hard, and a few other slurs one time recently i was, on only for an admin on at the time to be AFK (he was afk for like 2 hours). but other than that, i hardly saw (emphasize saw) tell people to use. Also, some people might not read the MOTD, just have a single plugin that advertises the friendly plugin in chat will be incredibly helpful, i'm telling you, it forces players to see the message rather than just skipping the MOTD.

Our staff has majorly improved on the calladmin-requests. There's usually people who reply within a minute or two.

good because last time i used it, some didn't come at all or if they did it was like 10 minutes after it happened. Sometimes, admins said they don't even get a notification so i hope that's fixed.

Thank you.

np fam.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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just have a single plugin that advertises the friendly plugin in chat will be incredibly helpful, i'm telling you, it forces players to see the message rather than just skipping the MOTD.

I'm sure there is already a plugin that broadcasts messages to chat. You'd have to just add the message to the code. What do you think @Ohstopyou @Rejects

-goblins @GoblinsEDI

EDIT: Let's head back to the actual topic now.

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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It [disrespect] isn't going anywhere. I would strongly suggest focusing your (anyone in general in a position of power) efforts on something more constructive and meaningful that can effectively yield results. No offense, but it's a lot of wasted effort because it likely won't change anything.


As previously mentioned by others, this is the 6365546th thread that has been made in regards to disrespect. You can't just eliminate it, and it's unrealistic to think you can. However, that being said, by no means should you just give up altogether. It's great to address these sort of issues at hand, but to post a thread that explicitly states that it will not be tolerated will literally have no effect (given its current track record), as was the case with the many other threads before this one. Before long it'll simply wither away and like previously mentioned, a new thread will sprout up with the same content.


All that aside, I agree with Vector; this issue revolves around xG as a whole, especially with Staff who are not leading a good example for our players. I've noticed several Staff members who fall under this category (just from CS:GO alone) and to be frank, if it has to be me, I'll start recording demos (across TF2 and CS:GO) of the aforementioned Staff who are not properly representing XenoGamers the way they should be. Change starts when you take matters into your own hands, posting a thread isn't nearly enough.


After all, you know things have gone wrong when the time calls for xG to monitor its own Staff for behavioral problems.

Edited by Forest (see edit history)

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holy fricking fudge are you serious? tomahawk goddamn you useless taco what the frick man


What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.

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What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.


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