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Trolls trolling trolls.

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*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : Your level's not over 9000

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : You're weak

*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : You're*

*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : You're*

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : Drank did you try to correct me

*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : I DID correct you

*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : Trollface.png

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : No you didn't?

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : YOU TROLL

*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : Lul.

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : TROLL


*DEAD* [xG:M] Chosen #Drank : I got you gooooood.

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : Trolls trolling trolls

*DEAD* [xG] Lvl 9007 Troll : feelsbadman.jpeg

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whats a troll.


Definition for Troll


In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response.

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Definition for Troll


In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response.

Stop trolling, we're discussing if trolling a troll is a troll if trolls troll a troll that's trolling a troll trolling another troll.

Very on-topic: INCEPTION!!!

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Correcting everyone's grammar mistakes is always the correct response to a situation. Being a troll and forcing the arbitrary complexities of the English language down other people's throats are two different things entirely. The former is reprehensible; the latter is the stuff of song and legend.


You see, in the exchange presented in the opening post, Drank is actually a Hero of Linguistic Justice, and he is slaying the Dragon-Beast of Amont'Ra, the Being Who Knows No You're. He is actually winning a victory and bathing himself in the wicked blood of his evil enemies. As such, Drank, I throw myself before you, as a Maiden willing to cast aside impunity and reserve in order to perform the carnal acts that you should so reap as a reward for your victory upon the stage of the written word.

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Correcting everyone's grammar mistakes is always the correct response to a situation. Being a troll and forcing the arbitrary complexities of the English language down other people's throats are two different things entirely. The former is reprehensible; the latter is the stuff of song and legend.


You see, in the exchange presented in the opening post, Drank is actually a Hero of Linguistic Justice, and he is slaying the Dragon-Beast of Amont'Ra, the Being Who Knows No You're. He is actually winning a victory and bathing himself in the wicked blood of his evil enemies. As such, Drank, I throw myself before you, as a Maiden willing to cast aside impunity and reserve in order to perform the carnal acts that you should so reap as a reward for your victory upon the stage of the written word.


Got 99 problems but a ***** ain't one.

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