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Deathroll - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:

So Salty Clan | DeathRoll

Steam ID:

Ban Type:

Team Ban


I was banned for killing people or a mass I was the warden and gave orders and ask them to unstack and there was someone shooting at me then after a few seconds some did not unstack and I shot them but when I was asked about what I said he typed the wrong thing he typed this I said that you need to unstack and freeze but what I said was unstack shoulder to shoulder but they did not do it so I kill them so can I get unbanned from ct.

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In-Game Name:

So Salty Clan | DeathRoll

Steam ID:

Ban Type:

Team Ban


I was banned for killing people or a mass I was the warden and gave orders and ask them to unstack and there was someone shooting at me then after a few seconds some did not unstack and I shot them but when I was asked about what I said he typed the wrong thing he typed this I said that you need to unstack and freeze but what I said was unstack shoulder to shoulder but they did not do it so I kill them so can I get unbanned from ct.

So, thanks to Virr's gif (demo would be sweet too, but this gif is more than enough to justify the ban) it's blatant that you clearly don't understand that you have to give Ts a chance to, you know, do your orders. This is all an assumption, but my guess is that you were ordering Ts to unstack while being fired upon; in which case you gave them like, 3 seconds during the whole commotion before opening fire on the collective bunch of them.


I won't throw a vouch in here, though I will say that I'm leaning toward a negative one given the context here. While we don't exactly have a time set in stone as to how long a T has until they are considered a rebel via not following orders, 3 seconds (assumption) really isn't enough time, especially provided the whole commotion going on. There are a bunch of variables that will influence this, but being shot at and panicking when giving orders shouldn't enable you to kill a whole bunch of them within such a short time frame.


Just to clarify, the majority of this post involves assumptions, hence the lack of a vouch.

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So, thanks to Virr's gif (demo would be sweet too, but this gif is more than enough to justify the ban) it's blatant that you clearly don't understand that you have to give Ts a chance to, you know, do your orders. This is all an assumption, but my guess is that you were ordering Ts to unstack while being fired upon; in which case you gave them like, 3 seconds during the whole commotion before opening fire on the collective bunch of them.


I won't throw a vouch in here, though I will say that I'm leaning toward a negative one given the context here. While we don't exactly have a time set in stone as to how long a T has until they are considered a rebel via not following orders, 3 seconds (assumption) really isn't enough time, especially provided the whole commotion going on. There are a bunch of variables that will influence this, but being shot at and panicking when giving orders shouldn't enable you to kill a whole bunch of them within such a short time frame.


Just to clarify, the majority of this post involves assumptions, hence the lack of a vouch.


In the recording i have (no demo unfortunately, this was through shadowplay) he gives the order to unstack just before he gets shot at. There is absolutely no way you can react and follow an order that fast. -1 for unban

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But the thing is I did give them a chance to move but if I really wanted to mass why would I keep coming back to this sever I love the sever you guys have the best rules and the easiest ones to follow but I know you might know what happen but the thing is I gave them time but if it was not enough then I am sorry for asking for a unban I just wish that I could get another chance beside getting permeant banned for not giving them enough time give me like a month or something I would not go through all this if I did not care for the sever but I mean like why would I still play on the sever or even make a account on this site if I was not serious of not giving them enough time a least I could get like a month ban or something because I failed to give them enough time and I am not saying you where wrong to ban me and I was getting fired apon but I tried to give them enough time and I probably don't deserve this unban but I just trying to say if I did not know if I was not giving them enough time like I wish I could get another chance but if you don't think I deserve it then find but I will always play on this sever and enjoy it.Have a good day.

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Learn to use punctuation pls. You sprayed in a stack, freekilled a bunch of people and was punished accordingly. However, that most certainly doesn't mean you will stay banned forever and i am all for a shortened ban since you're still a regular on the server and this incident happened almost 3 months ago with no further complaints since then (at least in my experience). Boop @Lithium @Chrono @Owl.

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shortening the ban to 3 months. you will become unbanned 11/14 Please refrain from breaking rules again when you get a chance to be ct next.

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