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    Idk I was apart of the XG family, like not as a member i was just an active player and I was really hated here. Honestly since ive rejoined I like to say most people have befriended me.I would like to try out being apart of an active community again, and i think il get back into cs. My time which is 41 minutes I believe this is for this account,I have other accounts aswell.

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Not 12 hours

~neutral Seemed very mad for no reason yesterday when T's rebel. Everyone was having a good time and he kinda messed with the vibe. After he cooled down seemed friendly and chill though. JUst work on the temper I guess.



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Did you have a different account you used when played on here before? Its showing you only have 03:58:30 hours total on that account which is from this past week, but I'm pretty sure i do remember you from before.

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3 hours ago, Lithium said:

Did you have a different account you used when played on here before? Its showing you only have 03:58:30 hours total on that account which is from this past week, but I'm pretty sure i do remember you from before.

I believe it was jaydow who said it was "Icy"?

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Ok so here's the dealio:

SpIcy/Icy has a couple old accounts he used to play on xG servers with, and those accounts have more than enough time to apply for member. Back then he was banned several times for trolling/micspam and various other infractions (eventually, up to a 1mo ban). Both those accounts were VAC banned a little over a year ago.

Normally a history of bans would be a reason to decline a membership application, but those were a long time ago, and people change (and at least from the 4 hours you've played recently, it does seem better to me). The thing is though, we've only seen 4 hours of what you're like now - and the whole point of the 12 hr requirement is to make sure other players get a good sense of who you are and can give educated +1/-1s.

So, play on the server more and once you meet the 12 hour requirement on this account, feel free to re-apply and we'll go from there.

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