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Still waiting for Aegean lol

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I'm bored, might as well chronicle on the megacontroversy which happened today on jb.



*Ducki Jr. kicks neteX*





Still waiting for aegean, lol.


Previously on neteX calls abuse...

*neteX throws a nade at me and I kill him*


Responds with "wow nice freekill. It was a freeday."


Lol I ain't even mad. I'm not even starting this topic to start drama, I just thought it was funny. It's all for the lulz imo, it's just a game.


Btw I'm still working on "NOW that's what I call QQ! Vol.2". I need more pictures of kids CAP LOCK RAGING in chat. Feel free to contribute qq's when I post it next week.

Speaking of lulz, is Lulz Canadia ever going to join xG? And I'm still confused why Range and [that other guy who's name I forgot] aren't in xG, but are super active in JB. I bet Range would have gotten mod by now.







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I think Range is one of the guys who plays on the servers but isnt a member (like Aaron) Also forgot the whole "I shouldn't be ct banned because I freekilled and killed someone during LR LOLOLOLOL"


Also in before netex finds this and shitstorm happens.

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That could be disrespect in a way ... I mean he was saying how the people that he really likes don't like him at all , I mean its not like its something nice to say lol

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The best part is, this is what admin chat is like a lot of the time lol


You forgot the part where we constantly make fun of poor people regular members and say the n word all the time :D

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You forgot the part where we constantly make fun of poor people regular members and say the n word all the time :D

Gotta love that nword, mhmm X3

And talking about wierd sexual things when I'm on: ex) What's worse, getting on your from anal sex, or blood on your ?

Deep thinking thar

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You forgot the part where we constantly make fun of poor people regular members and say the n word all the time :D
Yes yes yes yes yes, this is winning so hard

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LOL I love how you guys always use my name in everything, geeez. Anyways, in my opinion, I know that Netex was being a for no reason, it really didn't have to be taken that badly, if Ducki Jr. said nothing to him, or didn't kick him, he would have just shut up and things would have moved on. Anyways, it wasn't abuse, but it also wasn't serious disrespect. I dunno, you guys are huge goofs rofl, STOP THE FLAME WARS IT'S JUST A GAME OH GAWD! I already yelled at netex, i'll yell at him some more, but yeah I don't really see this as anything serious, if you guys think I should do something feel free to PM me.



Ps. Admin chat is hilarious oh god, the hate that I get from the noob mods and admins make me lol

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