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Little kid trys to steal from my job

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Ya so im just chilling at work and i see the kid by the candy stall he looks like hes up to somthing so i start looking at him i see him grab a candy bar and put it in his pocket and starts to walk away so i got up from my chair picked the kid up and said what the are u doing the kid say ugh idn im just leaving so i reach in his pocket take the bar and and tossed him out of the store and said stay the out. well thats my random story of my day work.

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You shoulda cut off his arm, and tied it to his back so when he walks home by the alley ways, stray dogs maul him to near-death to the point where he is in the hospital scarred for life. It'll teach him to never steal a candy bar.

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Just being realistic here, you should have burnt him. Assuming your store cells lighters you should have had the basic decency, to burn him. After burning him. Enjoy his anguish, his pain, and most importantly his frustration. Step two, Cut his skin off. make him gutted like a fish. destroy his moral by all means. now this could go all the way from flicking him in the forehead to rapeing him. Now This is up to you. Let him sit in his anger and pain for an hour and let depression wash over him. since he has no skin it will hurt to cry. finally Call your co worker in (or manager so he can see your good work) Drag him to the parking lot. Note a trail of blood possible organs falling out, <-- MAKE SURE NONE FATAL. Now. as soon as you drag him to the parking lot. Re enter the store tie to rope to his leg, and a rope to his arm Tie the rope on the leg to your managers car, and then on yours. now, Drive going slowly as possible away from each other. he should be dead (assuming he isn't jesus <-- If so prepare 3 days later). Now finally go back into the store and eat that stolen candy bar and relax in the glory of a mutilated child.Glad we had this talk.

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