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stupid [color=pink]♥[/color][color=black][/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=black][/color][color=pi

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i went to a party expecting to get drunk and get es. but unfortunately people are retarted so all they had was mikes hard lemonade. im not drinking that . they had pot but im not going to smoke pot since im doing cross country now. basically i was the only sober one there. half the people were faking drunk to try to seem cool, i mean 1 ing sip of mikes hard lemonade isnt going to make you fall down and , it wont do anything at all unless you are a ing newborn baby. me.

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Something similar happened to me some weeks ago, I had an exam the day after the party so i was the only one sober : /, really sucked

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Well, i drink a lot :$ And I usually drink Corona with Lime, It's my favourite, even though, i'm a minor, i know how much too have... I usually have once an hour so my liver can digest the alcohol..

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also, they didnt have very much of it. when i finally decided to go get some, a fat said she drank it all.


Fat es ruin everything. They eat all all the goddamn food; they drink all the goddamn booze; they use all the goddamn toilet paper; and they ing STINK!

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