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The Game "ICE"

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So in ICE the warden will give a question and also say how many t's will die the t's must go in the center circle of wherever the t's are. The objective of ice is to get a HEADSHOT it's headshots only. If a ct doesnt get a headshot on the t they must slay themselves. Now a positive for the t's are they may ice a ct if the price is to ice a ct. They get a ct's gun and ice the ct they MAY NOT Rebel. If they rebel they get slayed by the admin/moderators on.



In ICE the warden will ask a question, the prize can vary from ICING a terrorist to three, or even icing a counter-terrorist to 3. The way ice works, is that you must get only headshots "HEADSHOTS ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ YO VEST" that's the motto. So...lets say it's 3 t's to die they gotta take it like grown ♥♥♥ men go in the center of the circle and get iced in dey head you feel me dawg? If the CT does not get a headshot on the T they must slay themselves. Ok now if ya feelin me onto da cops getting iced now the first t to get the question correctly gets to select and CT they'd like to ice. They are given a gun IF THEY REBEL they get SLAYED. This is just to add some extra fun into games by killing a ct there is no favoritism involved at all. I hope you all enjoy this game or would like to see it in the future.

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How about, since ice means meth, the warden goes on a drug-enduced rage and attacks as many T's as he can in 15 seconds then he slays himself. Eh? Might be against rules BUT SO IS METH SO IT WORKS :D

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People will never slay themselves. Mods not always on.


HS only is stupid.


Can't get a gun and NOT REBEL. I mean, knifing a CT is rebelling. Always.



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Could you explain it a little better?

Basically what I get from this: Is that Ct's ask a question, the t that gets it right picks T's to try and get headshotted, and if the ct's miss the headshots, then the T's get to try and shoot the ct? Am I close? lol

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Dawg its apart of the game...like aint that fun you get to kill cts without rebelling...that means u aint have to die that ♥♥♥♥ CRAZY even Jay Z and Kanye told me

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