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So.. My little brother who is 14 is addicted to his Xbox. He is probably the most rude and most spoiled person in Tennessee. I'm not even kidding, I have never heard this kid say "Please" unless he is begging for his parents to buy him something. He has NEVER said Thank You, not even on Xmas. It's embarrassing being related to him.

One thing that really pissed me off was when my mom died (Back in April), he would constantly tell people out of the blue, "My mom died last week.", trying to get attention or sympathy.


ANYWAYS, here's what JUST happened while I was rebelling on Jailbreak.


I heard yelling upstairs.

Turns out my brother has an F in English, the deal is if he has an F you are grounded until it is brought up to atleast a C.

Because he had an F, his Xbox had to be taken away.

Well.. Turns out he had just gotten BattleField 3, and he was NOT going to let his parents take his Xbox.

So, he decides to pull a knife on my dad. Dumb move considering my dad was a drill sergeant in the Marines.

So, my dad takes the knife out of his hand, takes my brothers head and bashes it in the floor.

After this, it's just a loud curse word festival between the two.


I must admit, it was pretty entertaining to watch, and because he tried to KILL my dad over his Xbox, I imagine he won't be getting it back for a while.


My dad is actually on the phone right now with someone similiar to "Super Nanny". This WILL be interesting!


An exciting day none the less! Wonderful to come home from your job at Kroger and hear my dad shouting in his Marine voice.

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God kids these days...I hate the generation we live in now, most kids are nothing but little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and need an ♥♥♥ whooping =|


Anyways, hope that super nanny person straighten his attitude.

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I have an m4 but I'm the nicest teen you'll ever have met (actually this is kinda invalid because I'm turning 18 in a few months lol); you don't see me *insert violent act here*. It's just some kids have behavior issues and some don't, I don't think it's fair to judge an entire generation of kids because there's a few bad apples. There was kids like that back in the 60's, but they just put them in asylums

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Carbon, Hit me up if you need your brother gone. I like giving them kids car rides and then go fishing. If you know what i mean. ( throw him in the lake then BURST fire the ♥♥♥♥er with an AK, Russian style yelling SOUKA )

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Your dad is badass.


You should feel very lucky to have such a strong and powerful role model in your life; some fathers I know would have probably backed down if their sons ever pulled a weapon on them.

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My dad used to physically abuse for no reason and used to bash my brothers head in the ground stomping on his head :/ My dads got a little better though...thank ♥♥♥♥ing god 1 of my brothers arent like that...my dad woulda broke someones bones thats for sure...HAPPY HALLOWEEN btw :)

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ya, whats considered child abuse in the us is considered normal everywhere else, its cause parents are afraid of hurting their kids and kids are too ♥♥♥♥♥ to take a slap to the face or the ♥♥♥ for something they did wrong. have ur dad send ur brother to boot camp and make him stay there for like 6 months, see how he turns out when hes finished

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