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Most Painful Way...

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1. You have been dumped/rejected by someone




2. You have dumped/rejected someone








1. me: Hey will you go to homecoming with me?

her: yeah sure!

me: great!

- 1 week later, 5 days until HC dance -

her: can I talk to you outside? (we were in a theatre class at that time working on our musicals)

me: yeah sure (i notice she is crying) whats wrong?

her: I don't wanna go to HC with you anymore.

- facepalm -




2. girl: hey........you're cute

me: and you're ugly. anything else?

(in my defense she is fat as ♥♥♥♥ and stupid. not to mention she annoys the ♥♥♥♥ out of me.)





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>implying you have never talked to smoker

>implying everyone is ♥♥♥

>implying females don't exist



^ this is what you imply?

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implications are for implying you imply things with your implication powers of implied right to imply


^implying i implied enough implication in the implication above this implying text and below your implicating text in which you imply things.

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In their defense that is very sexist, I actually enjoy cooking in all aspects. Not just over the barbeque.

My plans are actually to be a chef and work in restaurants, and if you learn how to cook, you actually get more females...

>implying you step outside of your bedroom other than to go to restroom and grab food.

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I guess this is 1 good thing that I haven't ever had a girlfriend?


---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------


WOOH another amazing siggy :D!

females do exist i mean comeon what makes our food?

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