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So you're saying when you're on the server Joshi cannot talk and when you leave the server he cannot talk too? What right do u have to control whether he talks a lot. It's funny because you don't own the right to whoever talks on the server. The fact that you don't use your admin tag and threaten joshi was your first mistake. Don't comment again and make yourself look foolish.


Well the fact of the matter is, his is an abuse thread about him. So if he didn't reply he would be stupid. Also I agree with your point chicken both voices are annoying, Kermit's is tolerable because it's not a high pitched cracked out spongebob.

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lol its funny cause i've told u many times but u wait until i leave and u still continue.


If it doesn't annoy any other admin/mod, he's allowed to. Serbian just said it was up to the admin/mod. Lolz.

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I'm not saying hes not allowed to talk but if he wants to talk . talk in his regular voice. and the reason i kicked u cause u admin disrespected. Because in the pic you said which ♥♥♥♥♥♥ muted me nobody muted u accept me therefore ur lieing that ur talking to some other mod. Fine then as long as i'm not on the server u can talk and when i get on u use ur regular voice. And Aaron why are u raging over this we are all talking and ur raging. Remember its a game on the internet get over it.

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That's his regular voice, he's 5.




I don't think this should result in any action against RoSSer. It's a minor offense that should only be classified as a warn or a probation sorta thing. Rosser is a proven and trustworthy admin/div and I don't think he should lose any power because of this.

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Stop complaining how joshi called u a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ -___-. Dont mask your name under MehMeh or KFC and use ur Admin Tag name and people wont disrepsect u.

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What is wrong with you people?


Granted Rosser is fairly unattractive and well he's not that smart either.. but HE'S GOT A BIG HEART.

But are you guys really going to argue over a kick? like holy ♥♥♥♥ I have 17 bans all for like 10 minuts I never once was like "FORUMS GOIN IN" and the second somone kicks you I mean it's like "STOP THE MC♥♥♥♥IN PRESSES, I GOT KICKED" Like what? Couldn't you just work all of this out in a steam chat taking a minimum of 15 seconds?

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Stop complaining how joshi called u a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ -___-. Dont mask your name under MehMeh or KFC and use ur Admin Tag name and people wont disrepsect u.


Please do not reply to things that do not concern you. You are not a member, and you don't even know our rules enough to even comment on this thread. Anyways...


If you have a voice that is not tolerable (this is decided by any staff member who is there) then they have the right to mute you because our server rules state you can not have an immature voice.


SO Rosser thought your voice was disruptive, and apparently this isn't the first time you got muted by someone for using that voice (I'm referring to other threads from other members who were defending you), so just because some people like it, doesn't mean all do. Use your own voice, and if your own voice is too high, then you can't use your mic, simple as that. He changed his name, and when he did, he was undercover and saw you disrespect him, so I think that's what you are more upset about then anything. The only thing I will say is maybe he shoulda warned you to use your own voice or something, I dunno if you were using a voice changer, but I mean from what I lurked from the forums, this isn't your first time being muted for your voice, so I don't think he did anything wrong.


And yeah.


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