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Hobo Scrim Team!

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This is the application for the Hobo Scrim Team!

To apply, please post with the following~



How Long You Have Been Playing:

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10:

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it):

Have you ever had scrim team experience before:

Why should we accept you:



Current members - Duckii, Herpes, and Billy Mays.

We're looking for the best of the best here.

Also, this is not an xG Scrim Team. The rest of the slots could be taken by non xG members, this is simply finding xG members who would like to be a part of the scrim team.

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Name: Lissaaa

How Long You Have Been Playing: 5 yearsss

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: 11

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): nop

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: yes

Why should we accept you: cuz im cool

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Forgot to add, anyone who applies, please add me, billy, or duckii on steam so we can contact you when it's time to try out ^__^

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oh, u mean HOBO scrim team, it appears that ive read it wrong, also for teh lulz:


Name: The Doctor

How Long You Have Been Playing: 904 years

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: Timelord

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): i have a TARDIS which is better than a mic

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: no but ive fought in the last great time war and survived the fall of arcadia

Why should we accept you: cause i can travel back in time and prevent ur birth if im denied


also prob a dumb idea, but u should get netex on ur team, he may be a ♥♥♥♥ but hes a damn good scrim player

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Name: jb.

How Long You Have Been Playing: 2 weeks

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: 6 my usual score in pubs is like 10-8 so not too bad

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): yes but i havent hit puberty

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: yes i played on a mw2 scrim team

Why should we accept you: im valuable.

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Real name - Sean Michael McBride III

In-Game - Any of the following: Colour, Rachel, Black Cat, Moose, Niggards, I hate all of you niggards.


How Long You Have Been Playing:

Release date, BRO!


How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10:

10 On a good day, 1 on a bad day. (You know how I doooo!)


Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it):

I am not willing to not use it.


Have you ever had scrim team experience before:

♥♥♥♥ yeh man!


Why should we accept you:

On top of being great at the game, some people do consider me to be a reincarnation of Ryan Dunn. So there's that.



Attention: Please Read!: I am posting this application to be a backup member. I am not playing this game nearly as much as I used to, so I will not be ready/willing to do every scrim possible. I was thinking if there were ever any times where the team would like to do a scrim, but is missing a person, I could just jump in. I could be the go-to guy if someone is needed due to an absence.

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Name: Noble the Troll

How Long You Have Been Playing:2 years

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10:7

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it):yes

Have you ever had scrim team experience before:yes

Why should we accept you: i love you all

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Name: DukeXRion

How Long You Have Been Playing: Css or cs 1.6? if both 9 years :) if css 3 years

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: 5-6

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it):yes

Have you ever had scrim team experience before:Gotta be an ♥♥♥ here, does CPL count :3

Why should we accept you: cause i know strats and has sexy voice to teach you them? well ok not sexy voice :s and probly wont scrim with you but will teach u starts for maps.

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Name: ♥♥♥♥ Cheney

How Long You Have Been Playing: Ever since CS 1.2

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: Skill 10 on 1.6 and Skill -3 on Source

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): I do, but i have a squeaker voice

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: ESEA Main and Cevo-P

Why should we accept you: cuz im a 1337 Sniper Awper who can pick ppl off from dust2 t spawn to double doors raping every ct.

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Name: Gary_Oak

How Long You Have Been Playing: 4 years

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: 10

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): Yes am willing to use it

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: no

Why should we accept you: great at snipers, Bhoping, and will be a good member to the group

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Name: Vero / Sprinkles

How Long You Have Been Playing: just bought the game today.

How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: shut up. I'll slap your shit.

Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): obviously. scrimming without a mic?

Have you ever had scrim team experience before: In a variety of games.

Why should we accept you: i know what I'm doing.

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We've kind of started the team over from scratch, this thread is old..


I'll make a new thread later.


gravedigging is fun though.

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