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secret room in laser jail is underneath medic, u need the password which is found at the bottom of the water pit/well thingy in the sauna room beside the armory door that lets u get into armory, the password changes each time so u have to keep going there and looking for it, u have to shoot around in the walls to break a wall that covers the password, the enter password thing is right beside the boxes next to medic on the wall itself, not the wall of medic. then u put in the password for it, the floor breaks and a ramp leads u down into the secret game where u have to get through 4 doorways that change each time u dont get through them so its entirely random, then u get through to the secret room area where u can pick 1000hp, 1000 score, unlimited ammo or invisibility, if u beat it once in a round, u cant do it again so u can only have 1 secret powerup,

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