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For the mods

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This is for the new mods and old mods too.. Pretty much for everyone actually.


First of all, if you're going to be active BEFORE you get mod than STAY active AFTER you get mod. If you're active on forums and servers and then when you finally do get mod after your constant harassing and you don't stay active and help the clan out then why do you put the effort into becoming a mod? There are many people who apply for mod pretty much just for the status and just so they can slay someone on jailbreak. Becoming a mod should mean for you guys, to help better the clan and help improve it. Not spam in our servers annoying binds and constantly scream on your mic like a little immature kid.


Which then brings me to my other point.. WE HAVE MORE SERVERS IN THIS CLAN OTHER THAN JAILBREAK. Barely any admins/mods are on surf which is usually always populated. Surf is our second mos popular server on CS:S. There can be 20 people in there and ill still be the only admin there. The only reason some mods/admins go on surf is because jailbreak is down. This is just a heads up for you new guys/semi-old guys. Try to improve the clan.


I go on GunGame from time to time. Just because there is no zombiemod and I never tried other mods except ZM, ZMB, GG, JB...

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Answer to that is im guessing that its his bro that is a co ldr of a clan that his bro is in since he shares ~ i know this cause he pretty much said he shared the acc :).! Also i say the snail will over run us all!! run for u lifes!~


As you can see kill its called Learn how to surf! :D Seriously if you can bhop u can surf :) since surf is mainly strafing.


True about the Co ldr thing, also, I know, I've just never really tried surfing. Maybe i'll head over there sometime and try it. :)

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RPG is only skills, still have to be good surfer to get the guns.


Also i agee with every1 papi says, if ur gonna be active to get mod why the ♥♥♥♥ not stay active with mod? If i get mod i'll pop on server i dont like =/. AND EZ I AM HORRIBLE AT SURF yet i've gone on it a few times :S


lol im bad a surf and i go on it for shits and giggles. its fun even if u die. im not on it all the time i prefer jail and minigames.!

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i dont go on surf anymore cause its scrim which sucks ♥♥♥ and is too slow for surf where ull die instantly if u touch the extreme edge of the ground then u have to wait for everyone else to die which takes a long time if everyones jumping around and ♥♥♥♥


i disagree with this 123456746t536473632471642754657576%

it's fun to watch people. If you can't wait that long you must have serious ADHD or something

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i agree i love surfing so i am in there often and there are rarly mod or admin in there and i would also posobly like to see mods trying to promote different XG servers such as Death run there are rarly any one in that server there for i have to serch for diff severs and things like that idk just a thought :) and Hells gamerS is BAD :)

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i got into xg because of rpg surf deathmatch, i played it like every day and stuff, then silence fiddled around with it, it became rly easy to lvl up (max out after 30 min or so) but i still kept playing, and i was like lvl 120k and first in rank and rpgrank, the next highest person was like lvl 50k, i also had a kd of 2.3 that i liked. then stuff and such happened and now we are back to the rpg surf that we have now, so i was more or less brought up on fast paced deathmatch rather than slow paced scrim

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