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The Human Centipede

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I am not going to vouch up or down. I am only going to say a few things. Aaron is a good player. He is more intelligent than most people, and he has been a good friend to me since I started playing on xG servers. He knows the rules up and down, and alerts me to rulebreakers all the time. He trolls people, true, but it is in good fun and never anything suicide worthy. At most he makes everyone laugh a little. Now, I certainly do not approve of what he did, but I've just been thinking. Is it right to keep him, a nice, likable guy who I dare say is an asset to the community, CT banned when we unbanned netex, a constant troll, rulebreaker, and all around d-bag, for the same thing like 7 times? Is the horrible, intense damage that Aaron crippled the server with really compensated with a CT ban?

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I am not going to vouch up or down. I am only going to say a few things. Aaron is a good player. He is more intelligent than most people, and he has been a good friend to me since I started playing on xG servers. He knows the rules up and down, and alerts me to rulebreakers all the time. He trolls people, true, but it is in good fun and never anything suicide worthy. At most he makes everyone laugh a little. Now, I certainly do not approve of what he did, but I've just been thinking. Is it right to keep him, a nice, likable guy who I dare say is an asset to the community, CT banned when we unbanned netex, a constant troll, rulebreaker, and all around d-bag, for the same thing like 7 times? Is the horrible, intense damage that Aaron crippled the server with really compensated with a CT ban?


Intelligence has nothing to do with character. U could be the smartest SOB ever, and be a complete ♥♥♥♥. But i do agree that he knows the rules, theres no doubt about that...he just chooses not to follow them. Btw, if you post a pic of urself with a sign that says "i love silence", its an auto-unban. Im sure it applies to ct bans as well.


---------- Post added at 02:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------


I honestly don't understand your logic. Half the people on this forum say i will mass freekill again. Do you people not understand I LIKE PLAYING on your servers? Why would i trade a ct ban for a permanent ban. You guys call me a troll and you want me out. If you think im going to mass freekill again i would get permanently banned? Isn't that what you want? So this is obviously a matter of trust. You guys don't trust me and you guys think i will mass freekill again. Is there anything i can do to regain ur trust? You guys can forgive Glen Beck. You guys can forgive netex. But you can't forgive me?


And btw, no one forgave neteX, or glenn for that matter. I still dislike both of them. We decided (for some ♥♥♥♥ing reason) to give them another chance...or in neteX's case, 10...so i guess u deserve another. Ill +1 the unban. We will be watching you though of course

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The sad part is aaron could pull a neteX by hacking or something really serious, and then post a picture of himself saying "I love Silence" and he'd be un-CT b& faster.

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When you were first unctbanned some kid steam messaged me saying how you were unctbanned and how you were talking about you exploited the whole server glitch thing and told an admin that it was just a server glitch. The second time I know who did it and he was just abusing. Idk if the same admin who did it the scond time did it the first time out of abuse too or if you actually did try to use the whole server glitch thing. And I deffinitely won't believe what you say that you didn't message an admincuz you're not a trustworthy person at all or anything close to that.


And on the whole "I don't know you" thing..I've been on these servers for around 8-9 months so I know how you act in our servers and that's all that matters to me. Idc how you are irl.

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When you were first unctbanned some kid steam messaged me saying how you were unctbanned and how you were talking about you exploited the whole server glitch thing and told an admin that it was just a server glitch. The second time I know who did it and he was just abusing. Idk if the same admin who did it the scond time did it the first time out of abuse too or if you actually did try to use the whole server glitch thing. And I deffinitely won't believe what you say that you didn't message an admincuz you're not a trustworthy person at all or anything close to that.


And on the whole "I don't know you" thing..I've been on these servers for around 8-9 months so I know how you act in our servers and that's all that matters to me. Idc how you are irl.


So what are u suggesting in this whole thing? That i stay ct banned forever and never be forgiven? So what if i said it was a server glitch? So what if an admin decided to unban me? Does that even matter because as of right now, i am still ct banned aren't I? The point in THIS THREAD is that i believed i have served my time of a 2 month ct ban SO FAR for a mass freekill.

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No well actually i think you should get un ctbanned, im just saying i dont really believe what you say. And that youll be monitored carefully by the admins.


Sooo +1 for unctban

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