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Best shooter of the year 2011

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Nice user score, they must really like to satisfy their customers. The VGA's are a popularity contest and a joke, i mean they gave portal 2 multiplayer of the year. They could careless about actually judging a game, they just care about airing the show so they can show more advertisements. COD fans can have fun with their dropping franchises and 1 award, while Battlefield "fags" have fun with their 40+ awards and entertaining gameplay.

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the VGA's are like the mtv movie awards, no one rly cares about them because its all just a popularity contest. dk what the oscars of video gaming is though, but hurt locker (a movie that made like 50 mil on a 15 mil budget) won more awards than avatar (made 2.6 billion on a 200 mil budget), just goes to show that the more popular games are always the best

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PC Community doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about VGA's.


It's all corporate run...no actual contest...


And the CoD community is shat. At least the BF community managers talk to their community and LISTEN.

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Are you trying to start a war here, BF3 is way better.

More freedom you can do whatever you want

less ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥

less ♥♥♥ people

more realistic

better graphics

I can go on

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Skyrim should have won best shooter :(


...you can use bows, stfu ;(


Don't worry young prince, skyrim won GOTY but it doesn't matter because its the VGA's

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3[/url]


Nice user score, they must really like to satisfy their customers. The VGA's are a popularity contest and a joke, i mean they gave portal 2 multiplayer of the year. They could careless about actually judging a game, they just care about airing the show so they can show more advertisements. COD fans can have fun with their dropping franchises and 1 award, while Battlefield "GODS" have fun with their 40+ awards and entertaining gameplay.


What he said, it's true.

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