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War In iraq over

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The war was uncessary, but unfortunately the US government is starting to become more and more corrupt. It isn't the people that are making this country progress, it's the government making it go backwards.


As Serbian once said


"If pro is the opposite of con, then isn't the opposite of progress, Congress?"

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I agree with everyone, but even though i'm not naive and I know this ♥♥♥♥ will never end... But war is just so ♥♥♥♥ing stupid...

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The US gets 4% of its imported oil from Iraq.

We get over 18% from Canada.

(as of 2007)


My other comments are political in nature, I will withhold them.

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it never should've happened in the first place, all the us did was destroy an oil rich country to increase the world price of oil so that oil companies would make more off the market, and it was a war to test out new weapons and tactics in the field, thats why the us has never been at peace for more than 25 years

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I wouldn't exactly call the war in Iraq unnecessary; excessive, expensive, wasteful, maybe. But definitely not unnecessary.


If you would ask me if the war was a good thing because of the military kickbacks or the benefit to the oil companies, of course it wasn't a good thing


The reason why I think the war was necessary is, in addition to the implication of the United States refusing to retaliate to an attack on our home land, the fact that we needed to eliminate Saddam Hussein; in case you don't realize the negative impact that Saddam Hussein had, now that he's gone:

1. People in Iraq can now vote in unrigged elections

2. Iraqis do not have to worry about being captured or detained (sic: killed) when they visit their families

3. Young people much like ourselves are finding more and more liberties as the Fundamentalist Islamics continue to weaken.


I would say that the war was necessary, for the means of re-establishing human rights to a largely oppressed and terrified population.


But of course thats just my opinion, and you guys can choose to believe that it was done purely out of financial interest and corruption; and even if that was the prime motivation, I think enough good came out of it that I am still happy with it.


Who cares why? The only thing that matters to me is that we did. And I can almost guarantee you that the Iraqi people are much better off for this then they would have been if they continued to be ruled by an entity that hates American culture, encourages strict religious observance(oppression), and shits on personal liberty and the advancement of humanity.


But that's just my 2 cents!

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In my honest opinion, we are probably going to go to war with Iran over that stupid drone.


And the Iraq War was something IMO that could have been better executed, even including all the challenges. A lot of it was unjustified, but the causes itself were justified at that time.


Just my opinion though.


FYI: I try not to put myself into political shoes too much because I get irritated at the opposing sides sometimes, so don't expect anything from me being super elaborate or politically correct.

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Now dont say im Ignorant but this war will never end, government has been so corrupt for the past decades, it will never change, dont get your hopes up thinking ALL the troops are coming home.. (thats what we would all like, even myself) but dam, blame the government

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the war in iraq wasnt justified in any way whatsoever, there were no WMD's, even the UN said they didnt find any, and saddam let the UN search for them all they wanted, and NOTHING was found, the invasion was also illegal: it wasnt sanctioned by congress, bush sorta just said "lets invade iraq", wasnt sanctioned by the UN either cause there was no cause to invade them.


this video pretty much explains everything in a minute or so


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