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Remove losing bombs on death?

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Lets say you got your bets right and finally got a large bomb. You're ready to use it but then... you get freekilled. All of your hard work is gone.I don't know what to replace it with but it's really not fair.

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would be too easy for ts, if u have a bomb (medium or large), u should know to bide ur time until the cts are bunched up then blow them up, and freekills happen, and sucks when it happens to u, but u suck it up and wait till u can buy another bomb

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It would end up stackin up all the Ts with bombs and people who buy them and dont use them (THEY ARE AN ENORMOUS QUANTITY) would never clear bomb space

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keeping bombs upon death is a bad idea. BUT maybe getting like half the money back would be nice unless ur bomb goes off when u die then ur just sol.

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It wouldnt work mick unless the limit for bombs was removed. Because so many derps come in, buy bombs, and dont know what bind is or how to use them. The people who know how to use them would, then the derps would end up keeping them everyround preventing anyone with a clue from buying and using one.

If anything, we should be allowed to buy a bomb if we have the money. Or just take away the buy menu that auto pops up for everynewb. And change it to a menu that you have to type in or bind, to gain access to buy a bomb. That would keep the tards from just auto spaming on menu buy 1 bomb at round start.

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Lets say you got your bets right and finally got a large bomb. You're ready to use it but then... you get freekilled. All of your hard work is gone.I don't know what to replace it with but it's really not fair.


Nah -1 I think baddies would love that idea though

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