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Spiritual Energy

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So, after the countdown at my friend's party, I had a spark in my mind of several New Age, soul, spiritual, and abstract ideals. I sat in a hallway contemplating it for the longest time...I still have this feeling of what I would call unfocused spiritual energy...but what confuses me is why as the new year starts, I just got an overflow of this so called energy.


Does anyone have any sort of explanation for it? I want serious answers please. Uneducated or educated.

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If you feel like this, you should really get some weed. It helps you think beyond what your natural mind can comprehend, ya know? It's like doors of thought are opened that you never thought of. That's why stoned people sound sooo stupid, but is it really that stupid?


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^It's funny cuz it's true! xD, 'cept if you fall asleep high (which enivitably happens) you wake up feeling like ♥♥♥♥. It's one of those things you have to plan your day around lol. Not rly worth it


and thx :3

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couldve been ur unconscious syncing itself with another versions unconscious, thus lucid dreaming


i think dreams are when the mind is strong enough to break through the barrier seperating parallel universes to let u get a glimpse of what the parallel version of you is doing at that moment.


scary ♥♥♥♥ btw, about a week ago, i had a dream that the city i was in was nuked, and we knew it was coming so we stayed in our home, and that i was in my room, laying against the wall when the city was nuked, and i didnt die right away, but from the combination of heat and radiation. what was rly scary was that my heart felt like every beat was gonna make it explode and it got worse and worse while i was still in the dream, then i had to wake up cause it was getting rly scary for me and after like 10 minutes, it went back to normal.


freakiest ♥♥♥♥ ever, and one of the few dreams that i can remember vividly

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