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Proposal: All CT's Must have Mics

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I propose that we remove the "ratio" rule since there are always people with Mics on the T team that want to get switched; It will save us (Moderators+Admins) a lot of time if we can just CT ban people without mics, it will save us time that we could otherwise spend either playing the game of jailbreak or overseeing the activities.


I spend usually 2 or 3 rounds performing mic checks which always get broken up or distracted; and this is a process that needs to be repeated every single map change which detracts from the overall gaming experience.


+1 if you think we should get rid of the 1:4 CT:T ruling on mics because of its redundancy and lack of enforceability


-1 if you have a GOOD reason why we should keep it.

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-1 no offense


Most players don't have mics, and some (xG:R) don't want to be CT. This would be impossible to moderate if there's 20 people on the server and only 2 or 3 have mics, but there has to be 8 CTs

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Most players don't have mics, and some (xG:R) don't want to be CT. This would be impossible to moderate if there's 20 people on the server and only 2 or 3 have mics, but there has to be 8 CTs


Most people do have mics, and I have never seen a situation in which there isn't high demand for a CT position. Maybe in the wee hours of the night, but during peak hours when the server is full capacity, we need a way to quickly and easily optimize the situation so that we don't waste a large portion of the time dealing with riff raff.


Additionally, how do we get to decide who gets kicked off or not? How do we decide which of the CTs without mics gets to stay and which of them have to go on the T team when the ratio is skewed? The people we like the best?


I guess I can support that rule; I'll only let the people I'm friends with stay on the CT team if they don't have mics, and if we need to kick off CT's I'll just hand pick the people I don't like.



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If we remove the mic rule, i don't think the jb will go that all well.. since most are often non mic user who controls the rebel by killing them during their attempt or such. Lowering their numbers. Also, usually we swap the first person we know who does not have a mic or the person who knows the rule least as in people who disobeyed or broke the rules.

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if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


-1 to the idea


+1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game

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if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


-1 to the idea


+1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game


i am not that old of a member but i do miss that

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if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


-1 to the idea


+1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game


I think we should have our normal JB server, and an xG member ONLY JB server. So that the latter would have people who know the rules...

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Most if not all CT's have mics anyways. It's just that they don't want to use it or call warden.

Maybe... make a rule that all CT's must use their mics?

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I guess I can support that rule; I'll only let the people I'm friends with stay on the CT team if they don't have mics, and if we need to kick off CT's I'll just hand pick the people I don't like.


This isn't a rule already??? I do this all the time!!! O.o


Lol XD

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if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


-1 to the idea


+1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game


That would be nice.. Its just not fun to play in jb with over 50 players anymore, to many bad ct's/warden pretty much getting killed every time by baiting and such. Only problem with getting another smaller jb is .. more moderators would need to split up and more work silence would have to put in it.

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No way can we enforce this rule. Just because people have mics, doesn't mean they want to use it let alone be CT. We have auto balancers in the game, people who want to be CT but don't have mics will always be there, and if we teambanned everyone who doesn't have a mic, the ratios will be 1:3 or even 1:4 CT:T which is not gonna work with our population. The second JB idea is a pretty good idea, with having only xG members there, but for now it is not happening. Silence can tell you guys himself, but he said even yesterday he is not going to have another JB server, not yet anyways.

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