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JB motd vs. Mod Discretion

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+1 for at least 5 seconds to comply, not 10. Five seconds is quite enough if you are active in the game UNLESS orders weren't clear. I also believe that a repeat should be given immediately after the initial orders were given as well.


This fits in well with the five second rule so that we don't have Ts spamming for repeats. I am not a warden or CT very often as I hate being a CT or warden but this is completely understandable for the CTs to be balanced out against the already overpowered Ts.

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I also believe that a repeat should be given immediately after the initial orders were given as well.


If this becomes a rule then I think 5 secs is fine as long as his orders are clear

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before you read my reply, i want you to know i wasnt there and am just guessing of what the problem is.


perheps ducki is talking about giving the repeat orders as the door opens.


perheps give both the first order and the repeat before cells open.


then there will be no excuse on why a T didnt follow them.


The orders would be giving then repeated. Then cells opened, with 5secs to comply.


Shouldnt be an issue.


Of course jb u cant count on that, but u give the orders twice and then say you have 5secs to comply. that shouldnt be an issue either.


lots of people dont listen to orders, they should die for it.


Thats my take.

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I always give 10 - 15 seconds to comply with the first order and I never have problems. The longer you give the more rebels you can kill, honestly. You (Strange) keep saying Duckii is crying, but all I see from you is QQ...


Plus, let me quote the rules.


The warden must repeat the orders at least once and it must be clear when asked (only the beginning order when out of cells).

So you have to be clear. Thatmeansyoucantsaytheordersofastnoonecanunderstandwhatyousaysoshewasrighttoaskyoutoslowdown.


Your microphone must meet quality specifications' date=' such as: little to no feedback, being a tolerable volume, having a mature voice, understandable diction, and little background noise.[/quote']

Again, understandable diction. Let me clarify what I said so fast before. That means you cant say the order so fast no one can understand what you say, so she was right to ask you to slow down.

Edit: 400th post dedicated to Duckii!

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And here I was coming to post with the quote from JB, but good thing Tarin quoted it for me. If your orders were fast and not clear, then ducki had all the right to slay you. As for the time you give for an order to be complied with, I will decide upon a time and post it on the forums / motd soon. 7 seconds seems to be a good enough compromise in my opinion.

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If people arent paying attention, then they can die. If you listen to orders, you live. Easy peasy.


I also played earlier today and wasn't too inclined to give the Ts some slack. Its true that often CTs are derps and need to be taught a lesson, but it's just infuriating when the Ts are given such an advantage and are protected by inexistant rules. I dont want to have the Ts standing outside of cells for more than 15 seconds if I have to, I'd rather get them out and get them moving before they get restless and start to go on killing sprees. Its no fun when one wrong move by a CT can result in a freeday, which is basically a free ticket to die as a CT.


Again, if you arent paying attention and aren't listening, you're, in a sense, disobeying orders. This all assuming that the orders were given clearly the first time. I always repeat my order once and once only after saying it the first time, and give about 7 seconds to get out. 5 seconds isnt really that strict. Anyone who is actually watching their screen and listening is going to know what to do.

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First - please read my posts before declaring QQ's if you were not there.


Second - I do things my way and I still follow ALL rules.


I am a control freak. And, honestly, is an extra 2 seconds really going to make a difference?


There are still going to be ALOT of babies crying about that. When will the line be drawn?!


Did anyone actually read this thread or just "impulse" post?! Cuz NO1 wants the rule to be changed! Especially over 2 sec! It will make NO DIFFERENCE!


All this will do, will cause more people to cry FREEKILL b/c they can. You want more cry-baby headaches, by all means, change the rules...


Pretty lame.

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I did read this actually, ducki (co-leader) Unique and Ninj4 all agreed it should be more then 5 seconds, nevertheless we'll leave it at 5 for now and see how things work. BUT this 5 seconds will only be in effect after the repeat, because the whole point of a repeat is too have you clearly repeat what you had said beforehand, so any T who might have misheard you, can hear you properly and follow rules if they so wish. If you give a long order, and repeat it, make sure the repeat has the added 5 seconds as it would make no sense for the T to die while a repeat is being said. The "being clear during a repeat" has been a rule in the MOTD for a week or so now, so if you say your orders quickly again, you can be slayed / teambanned

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I always repeat now. B4 they type, so they should be ready to play.


I am at least that considerate.


No one ever complains about my orders being unclear unless they or I lagged, hence the repeat.


But you cannot control the speed I give them. I am always clear as I can be and I try to make sure that no one talks over me so no one cries freekill.


And, if you play w/me regularly, you know that I call the time when I open cells (after the repeats) and give the EXACT time of compliance. Should not be an issue.

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strangelove... no offence but u give us like 2 secs... to get out... the cells take a sec to open so its waisted time...


i tend to talk slow and give complex orders and i give them around 10 seconds and i dont normally have probs

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No offense taken.


Your style is how you want to play.


My style represents how I like to play.


I try to stay 1 step ahead so I do not get overrun. To me, its a tactical challenge to be CT and Warden.


Each player has their own style and, as long as they dont break the rules, they are entitled to play however they want to play.



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i give simple orders and give them 10+ sec every god dam time, Why you wonder exactly what tarin said, the people who are gonna rebel are gonna do it if they have to wait and those with bombs will waste them at the start of the round if they feel they can get ct's. HOWEVER I have been killed many times when Strangelove is warden because of the CT's who don't understand his rules cause he gave them so quickly most of you didn't even say anything about the dumb fucks that play CT and don't get what wardens orders were. Which is in all honestly why the round usually become freedays. The die T's who are smart get the guns and rebel killing more CTS which gives them more guns and ban warden dead freeday. The only problem with the system we have now is the stupid fucking chuds that go ct and are like "derp wardens dead some1 call warden i'm to fucking stupid to do it myself" over mic like seriously if you have a mic be warden -.-

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Agreed. Derp CTs can ruin a day very quickly.


If a CT does not feel like they understand the orders, they should not take the shot. It is THAT simple.


I have let alot of Ts live b/c I was unsure. But I listen, I predict, and I react.

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yeah its funny when you have to give orders. then repeat. then say 5secs to comply. then answer in team chat to cts of what the ts should be doing. while makin sure none are rebeling.


100% agree with strange on if your a ct and you dont know if you should kill a T: "dont take the shot"

thats what i do.


this topic shouldnt be an issue to change motd about.

1. give orders.

2. repeat orders.

3. tell them they have 5secs to comply.

4. watch clock for that 5secs. (or tell it like strange says he does)

5. enforce.


1.if a warden gives orders too fast that you cant understand the words, then thats a different issue.

2.if ur just not listening to the orders thats a different issue.


so i think ducki is talking about 1. (too fast to understand) right ducki?


if so. strange slow down ur speech a little. and problem solved? close thread? cause isnt that what this is all about?


or how bout this:

ducki say in one sentnce what your problem is with what strange does.

then we can focus on the issue, instead of a stupid long flame war...

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