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fuck the police

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this is a copy from a friend of mine who is really into politics. thought i should share this with you guys


Dammit, it's like freaking whack-a-mole. We kill SOPA, all of the sudden, two more threats to internet freedom and security pop up. Here's a quick run-down:


ACTA: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. An international trade agreement that would make it so that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) would track everything you download and upload. I you download or upload anything that is copyrighted, your internet can be shut down and you can be fined. Additionally, incident reports will be sent to the copyright owner so that they can press charges against you. Mind you, this wouldn't only be if I uploaded all of the film V for Vendetta onto YouTube, but also if I happened to film one of my cats doing something silly near the television while I happened to be watching V for Vendetta. Crazy, right?


PCIPA: The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act. Do NOT let the name fool you. This bill has nothing to do with protecting kids from porn. It would allow ISPs to hold all of your internet information for months, including credit card information, and make them hand it over to the government at a whim.

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The problem are not the laws, the real problem is that the idiots who control our country support them



Took the words right out of my mouth.

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Politics & Government also interests me.


You guys ever heard of NDAA? It stands for National Defense Authorization Act. I'll quote a passage from the first link I'll post below to sum it up: "Although the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act placed strong restrictions on how and when the U.S. military may be used on American soil, the language of this bill supersedes Posse Comitatus, empowering the president to unilaterally impose martial law at any time of his choosing. This legislation signals the end of the rule of law in America."


Read more about it:


If the National Defense Funding Bill Passes – It’s the End of the Rule of Law in America

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 - Wikipedia

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The problem are not the laws, the real problem is that the idiots who control our country support them


Hence this is why I think when the world is going to end, it will be due to idiotic politicians around the world blowing each other up.

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I'm not.

They are going to try everything they can to enforce whatever control they can muster.


What can you do?

The same thing we've always done.


We may have stopped SOPA/PIPA - but that was only round one.


America will not be beaten into submission so easily.

But they will try.

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Politics & Government also interests me.


You guys ever heard of NDAA? It stands for National Defense Authorization Act. I'll quote a passage from the first link I'll post below to sum it up: "Although the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act placed strong restrictions on how and when the U.S. military may be used on American soil, the language of this bill supersedes Posse Comitatus, empowering the president to unilaterally impose martial law at any time of his choosing. This legislation signals the end of the rule of law in America."


Read more about it:


If the National Defense Funding Bill Passes – It’s the End of the Rule of Law in America

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 - Wikipedia


Ive read lots about this a few months back.


Full blown drafts next?

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These bills have been around long before SOPA and PIPA, it's just the newfound interest in internet law made people find them.

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>We beat soapa/pipa

>People celebrate to early

>New bills being created

>People throw computers at congress


Under the NDAA you'd be considered a domestic terrorist if you did that; or said that. OH SHIT IT'S THE PARTY VAN

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Police have nothing to do with this kind of stuff.. All they can do is enforce it if they pass which is their job to enforce rules. I hate how people hate police officers for doing their jobs. I know some police officers are assholes and pricks and all that shit etc etc, but if you take away the corrupt retarded cops, the other ones are just doing their jobs.

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Police have nothing to do with this kind of stuff.. All they can do is enforce it if they pass which is their job to enforce rules. I hate how people hate police officers for doing their jobs. I know some police officers are assholes and pricks and all that shit etc etc, but if you take away the corrupt retarded cops, the other ones are just doing their jobs.


when i said fuck the police, it was all for lulz as in jailbreak reference. police were referred as politicians, laws, government or enforcers in general.

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Politics & Government also interests me.


You guys ever heard of NDAA? It stands for National Defense Authorization Act. I'll quote a passage from the first link I'll post below to sum it up: "Although the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act placed strong restrictions on how and when the U.S. military may be used on American soil, the language of this bill supersedes Posse Comitatus, empowering the president to unilaterally impose martial law at any time of his choosing. This legislation signals the end of the rule of law in America."


Read more about it:


If the National Defense Funding Bill Passes – It’s the End of the Rule of Law in America

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 - Wikipedia


It's ridiculous. I heard about this about a week after New Years when it was passed. Congress gave the President the right to arrest anyone he wants WHENEVER he wants, but of course Obama promises he won't ever use it. If that were true, then why did they put it in the NDAA in the first place? This bill is a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment. Seriously, what is going on in Congress? It is a scary thing to think about.

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