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2 Changes to the clan!

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1. Member vouching is completely changed, here is a link to it now. Hopefully this will stop people from just +1'ing with "cool guy" as this in no way correlates how they are in our servers.


Proper Vouching Format (READ).


2. Racism policy is changed a bit, you can check it out here:

General Server MOTD/Community Rules.


Anyways what do you guys think?

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umm i think we shud do something about our member submission

maybe we should reduce it to5 ppl BUT only mods and higerups can +1

and i do agree to the racism policy

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Good changes :D


serbian does not know the MOTD very well. Even though he is very active on the jailbreak server, he has been CT banned for freekilling too much. He also mic spams, talks over warden almost every round, and is not respectable with people he plays with."






But really, good changes are good. Would like to know the new members!!!

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I was hoping more for a zero tolerance type deal on the racism issue, but the vouching looks excellent. No more "-1, he freekilled me once a year ago and only slayed himself twice"

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