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Oh Matheiu. :/ Why lie in the first place? If you are 16 now then you would have been 15 and that's fine. :( I'm going to keep a +1 but I'll change it if I see something thats wrong. :/

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Mr. Minecrack,

Did I promessed anyone that I was 17 when I said it ? I don't think so. Now I SWEAR that I got 16 february 28 2012.


Dafuqqqqq? You shouldnt need to promise. You lied. Don't try to shrug it off like it was our fault for not going "do you promise you're 17?" Would you like me to hold your hand as you cross the street as well? -1...I hate liars...

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You've sealed the deal with "beleave," that just scares me you can't spell that simple word correctly.

P.S. Believe..

Also, I don't believe you're 16.


He's French for god's sakes, he's from Quebec. Don't vote people down cause of something as trivial as grammar.


Forgot to add in my vote: -1


You just seem really immature man, with all the lying and impersonation you used to do.

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